
Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2020-03-12) 1039642次浏览 1039691 已收录 17个评论 扫描二维码

快讯:pi币将于本月底(3月31日)前开启PC节点Pi Phase 2 - Pi Nodes
At Pi Network, we believe that everyday people should have a greater voice and capture a greater share of the value that they create in society. We believe that the best way to achieve this goal is by building a decentralized currency and economy.

Pi’s decentralized currency will eventually be secured by a distributed global network of Pioneers, rather than being controlled by one single centralized entity. Pi’s global network will be ultimately self-governed, meaning that the community can shape how Pi evolves over time.

When Pi is fully decentralized, Pioneers will also have full sovereignty and control over their own cryptocurrency holdings. Progress in decentralization brings Pi closer to the phase where Pioneers will be able to sell or exchange Pi, without centralized interference, just like bitcoin and ethereum. In other words, moving into the Phase 2, the testnet phase, takes us one step closer to Mainnet, when Pi can be traded freely with other currencies, in addition to trading for goods and services.

Pioneers who want to help secure Pi’s currency can choose to become a Node.

Nodes are the forth role in the Pi ecosystem, and run on laptops and desktops instead of mobile phones. Similar to other blockchains, Pi Nodes will be responsible for validating transactions on a distributed ledger, and resolve the challenges in maintaining a distributed currency by having all nodes come to a “consensus” on the order of new transactions getting recorded.
Unlike nodes that use proof of work such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, Pi Node uses a different consensus algorithm based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol, in which nodes form trusted groups (quorum slicess) and only agree to transactions that those trusted nodes agree to. The security circles from Pi mobile miners aggregate into a global trust graph that enables Pi nodes to form quorum slices to determine who can and cannot validate transactions on the shared ledger.
Also unlike other crypto projects, the Pi Node will continue to uphold the philosophy of user centric design. Instead of requiring much technical knowledge to set up a node, everyday people will be able to do that by installing a desktop application on their computers, just like installing any other computer app. Through this desktop application, Pioneers can switch on/off to make their devices available/unavailable for serving as a node.
By March 31, 2020, we’ll make the initial version of the Pi Node application available to download and install. This initial version of the Node will include two interfaces: the node interface and the desktop Pi interface. The desktop Pi interface will be similar to the interface of the mobile app and will allow people to check their Pi balance and use the Pi chats on their personal computer. However, only members, who apply and get selected by the core team to serve as a testnet node, will have the node interface fully activated. The detailed requirements and selection process will be announced along with the software launch.

This version of the node is the first step towards building the Pi Testnet, which will enable the core team to test the consensus algorithm and its scalability, calibrate configurations, and adapt and improve the consensus algorithm. Pioneers who run this version of the node will not need to be concerned with such processes. All they need to do is to decide if and when their devices are available/unavailable serving as a node in the Pi testnet, if they’re selected as a node.

The Nodes for Pi’s Testnet will be launched and open for application by 3/31/2020. In order to be selected to run certain versions of the node on Pi’s Testnet, Pioneers will have to undergo KYC. More KYC slots will be opened up to support node enrollment and the advancement of Testnet. More detailed selection criteria for Pi Node will be released along with the software launch. But overall, the principles of node selection will be the trustworthiness in the network, and the availability and reliability of the device.


在 Pi Network,我们相信,普通人应该有更大的发言权,并掌握他们在社会上创造的价值的更大份额。我们认为,实现这一目标的最佳途径是建立一个分散的货币和经济。

Pi 的分散货币最终将由分布式全球先锋网络担保,而不是由单个集中实体控制。Pi 的全球网络最终将自我管理,这意味着社区可以塑造 Pi 如何随时间演变。

当 Pi 完全分散时,先锋也将对自己的加密货币持有拥有完全的主权和控制。权力下放的进展使 Pi 更接近于先锋公司能够出售或交换 Pi 的阶段,无需集中干预,就像比特币和以太坊一样。换句话说,进入第 2 阶段,即测试网阶段,使我们更接近 Mainnet,此时 Pi 除了商品和服务交易外,还可以与其他货币自由交易。

想要帮助保护 Pi 货币的先驱可以选择成为节点。

节点是 Pi 生态系统中的第一个角色,在笔记本电脑和台式机上运行,而不是移动电话。与其他区块链类似,Pi Nodes 将负责验证分布式分类账上的交易,并通过让所有节点就新交易获取顺序达成"共识"来解决维护分布式货币的挑战记录。
与使用工作证明(如比特币或以天)等工作证明的节点不同,Pi Node 使用基于 Stellar 共识协议的不同共识算法,其中节点组成受信任的组(仲裁切片),并且仅同意这些受信任的节点同意的交易。Pi 移动矿工的安全圈聚合到全局信任图中,使 Pi 节点能够形成仲裁切片,以确定谁可以验证和不能验证共享分类帐上的事务。
与其他加密项目不同,Pi Node 将继续秉持以用户为中心的设计理念。日常人员无需具备设置节点的技术知识,而是可以通过在其计算机上安装桌面应用程序来做到这一点,就像安装任何其他计算机应用程序一样。通过此桌面应用程序,先锋可以打开/关闭,使其设备可用/不可用,以用作节点。
到 2020 年 3 月 31 日,我们将使 Pi Node 应用程序的初始版本可供下载和安装。该节点的初始版本将包括两个接口:节点接口和桌面 Pi 接口。桌面 Pi 界面将类似于移动应用程序的界面,并允许用户检查他们的 Pi 平衡,并在他们的个人计算机上使用 Pi 聊天。但是,只有应用并由核心团队选择作为测试网节点的成员才能完全激活节点接口。详细的要求和选择过程将随着软件的发布而公布。

该节点是构建 Pi Testnet 的第一步,这将使核心团队能够测试共识算法及其可伸缩性,校准配置,并调整和改进共识算法。运行此版本的节点的先锋不需要关注此类进程。他们只需确定其设备是否可用/不可用,作为 Pi 测试网中的节点(如果它们被选为节点)是否可用/不可用。

Pi 测试网的节点将在 2020 年 3 月 31 日前启动并开放供应用。为了被选中在 Pi 的 Testnet 上运行节点的某些版本,先锋必须经历 KYC。将打开更多的 KYC 插槽来支持节点注册和测试网的推进。Pi Node 的更详细的选择标准将随着软件的启动而发布。但总体而言,节点选择的原则是网络中的可信性以及设备的可用性和可靠性。


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  1. pi五年后的价格是8000人民币
    破茧成蝶2020-03-12 15:53 Linux | Chrome 67.0.3396.87
  2. 期待!!
    19891998li2020-03-12 17:07 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  3. 加油pi币胜奥里给
    郭小宇2020-03-12 17:11 Windows 10 | 搜狗浏览器 2.X
  4. 好?
    大王2020-03-12 17:19 Mac OS X | Safari浏览器 604.1
  5. 希望pi建设越来越好,伟大。 :wink:
    未来不是梦2020-03-12 17:49 Linux | Chrome 67.0.3396.87
  6. 现在的兀你爱达不理 以后的兀你高攀不起
    沐雪2020-03-12 19:11 Linux | Chrome 70.0.3538.110
  7. 加油!pi. π 派!
    落叶无声2020-03-12 21:37 Linux | 360浏览器 9
  8. pi的价值无法用法币衡量。。。
    wangshiqiang2020-03-12 21:52 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  9. 那不是每人一部电脑了??
    kelly-zeng2020-03-12 23:19 Linux | Chrome 46.0.2490.92
  10. 未来已来,请坐稳扶好,开往成功的高铁已启动
    Able Zhang2020-03-13 01:13 Windows 10 | Chrome 63.0.3239.132
  11. ?期待你的到来
    錵開や落幕┓2020-03-13 01:30 Linux | Chrome 67.0.3396.87
  12. 加油,感觉搞太多应用要很多的人力物力的支持,亚历山大啊
    熟悉的陌生人2020-03-13 04:49 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  13. kyc是不是要护照?没有护照咋搞,开发组不是说会使用更多种kyc方式让全部人都能通过吗
    santinb2020-03-13 08:15 Linux | Chrome 57.0.2987.132
  14. 今天为什么登录不了pi app
    LVV2020-03-13 13:24 Windows 7 | Chrome 78.0.3904.97
  15. pi五年后的价格是10000人民币
    martin2020-03-13 13:54 Windows 10 | Chrome 80.0.3987.132
  16. 最钟爱的Pi,像孩子一样看着他一天天健康成长,看着他将成龙成凤
    凯西2020-03-13 14:19 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126