快讯:3月14日当天新注册Pi友将有机会赢得3141.59 Pi(中英文解析)

Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2020-03-14) 430864次浏览 430913 已收录 7个评论 扫描二维码

快讯:3月14日当天新注册Pi友将有机会赢得3141.59 Pi(中英文解析)

Pi Day and Phase 2 Launch
Happy Pi Day! Tomorrow, 3/14, Pi will launch Phase 2 of the project. Several weeks ago, we asked the community how you wanted to celebrate Pi Day. In response to the community’s requests we:

Produced a video series to provide a high-level roadmap and strategy of Phase 2 of the project. We will work with the community to release an even more detailed roadmap over the course of Q2, 2020.
Provided an overview of Pi’s Nodes and announced the launch of the first version of Pi’s Node software by March 31st, 2020.
Began exploring how to expand our KYC methods and will release several thousand new KYC slots in the upcoming weeks, alongside the launch of the Nodes.
Created a Pi Day Raffle to celebrate Pi Day as well as a new way to give 1 free Pi to new members you invite to the community. We explain the raffle and new 1 Free Pi feature in greater detail below.
We are excited to embark on this next phase of the development of the project with the community! Welcome to Phase 2!

Pi Day Raffle and Give 1 Free Pi details

To celebrate Pi Day and the launch of Phase 2, all new and existing Pioneers who mine on Pi Day will have a chance to win 3,14.59 Pi! There will be 10 lucky winners worldwide. To participate, simply mine on Pi Day. Only real accounts qualify for the raffle. Bots will not qualify. The winners of the raffle will be announced on March 20th, 2020.

New members who join on Pi Day will also have a chance to win 3,141.59 Pi. If you’d like to invite new members so they have a chance to win, you can give 1 free Pi to new members in 1 of 2 ways:

Share on Facebook Messenger. Tap the Share with Messenger button on the bottom right of the home screen. It will take you to a chatbot that will give you a special share card. You can send this share card to your friends via Facebook messenger by tapping the button to the right of the card. Each person that joins using your card will receive one Pi, be added to your earning team, and boost your and their earnings equally by 25%.
Share using your phone’s native share options. Tap the Share button on the bottom left of the home screen. Each friend that joins using your code will receive 1 Pi, be added to your earning team, and boost your and their earnings equally by 25%.
The fact that every new member receives 1 free Pi is not new. In fact, new members have received 1 free Pi upon signing up since the launch of the project. The rationale for giving 1 free Pi to each new member has been that each and every real Pioneer deserves at least 1 Pi. This new way of giving 1 Pi to members you invite highlights this existing feature. The proceeds of the raffle will come out of the Pi’s Developer Fund.

翻译:祝 Pi Day 快乐!明天,3/14,Pi 将启动该项目的第二阶段。几周前,我们问社区你想如何庆祝 Pi 日。为响应社区的要求,我们:

制作了一个视频系列,以提供项目第二阶段的高级路线图和战略。我们将与社区合作,在 2020 年第 2 季度发布更详细的路线图。
概述了 Pi 的节点,并宣布在 2020 年 3 月 31 日前推出 Pi 节点软件的第一个版本。
开始探索如何扩展我们的 KYC 方法,并在未来几周内发布数千个新的 KYC 插槽,同时推出节点
创建 Pi 日抽奖活动以庆祝 Pi Day,以及一种向您邀请加入社区的新成员提供 1 个免费 Pi 的新方式。下面我们将更详细地解释抽奖和新的 1 免费 Pi 功能。
我们很高兴能与社区一起开展下一阶段的项目开发工作!欢迎来到第 2 阶段!

Pi Day 抽奖和给 1 免费 Pi 细节

为了庆祝 Pi 日和第二阶段的启动,所有新的和现有的先锋谁在 Pi 日我将有机会赢得 314.59 Pi!全世界将有 10 位幸运儿。参加,只是我的 Pi Day。只有真实账户才有资格参加抽奖。机器人将不符合资格。抽奖的获奖者将于 2020 年 3 月 20 日公布。

参加 Pi Day 的新成员也将有机会赢得 3141.59 Pi。如果您想邀请新成员,以便他们有机会获胜,您可以通过 2 种方式中的 1 种给新成员 1 个免费 Pi:

在 Facebook 信使上分享。点击主屏幕右下角的"使用信使共享"按钮。它会带你到聊天机器人,会给你一个特殊的共享卡。您可以通过 Facebook 信使将此共享卡发送给您的朋友,点击卡右侧的按钮。使用您的卡加入的每个人将收到一个 Pi,添加到您的收入团队中,并将您及其收入平均提高 25%。
使用手机的本机共享选项共享。点击主屏幕左下角的"共享"按钮。每个使用代码加入的朋友将收到 1 Pi,添加到您的收入团队中,并将您及其收入平均提高 25%。
事实上,每个新成员收到 1 个免费 Pi 并不新鲜。事实上,自项目启动以来,新成员在注册时已经获得了 1 个免费 Pi。给每个新成员 1 个免费 Pi 的理由是,每个真正的先锋都值得至少 1 个 Pi。这种向邀请的成员提供 1 Pi 的新方法突出了此现有功能。抽奖所得将来自 Pi 的开发者基金。

简评:梳理了一下项目方 3.14 日的活动:

1.接下来将跟一些社区合作推出 PC 节点,例如和我们的 CPB 联盟一起合作;


3.新老用户拉新注册 Pi 友都有机会 Pi 币奖励,老用户将能赢得 314.59pi,新用户将会有机会赢取 3141.59pi;

4.邀请拉新方式,点击主屏幕下面的两个send按钮分享的链接其实是:minepi.com/你的邀请码(例如:https://minepi.com/listentop)国内很多用户不能访问 Facebook 信使等,所以想参与赢取币的朋友可以分享以上链接;

更多详情解读请点击下方二维码扫码加入 CPB 精英群。

目前在 chinapi 币社群有超过二十万名 pi 币爱好者,更有资深的币圈巨鲸坐镇,我们教你如何更加迅速的赚到人生的一桶金。

转载请注明原文链接:快讯:3月14日当天新注册Pi友将有机会赢得3141.59 Pi(中英文解析)

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  1. pi 生日快乐。。。
    wangshiqiang2020-03-14 09:45 Linux | Chrome 80.0.3987.119
  2. 我想知道郭育老师的连系方式,以便请教布道遇到的问题,谢谢!本人电话号码,13691971855
    买战胜2020-03-14 10:58 Linux | Chrome 57.0.2987.108
  3. 生日快乐!
    张照喜2020-03-14 10:59 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  4. PI币是一颗灿烂耀眼的金星!横空出世!我们紧跟公司节奏,飞黄腾达!直达世界金币辉煌顶峰!!
    緣善2020-03-14 17:27 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  5. 以后我们自己的商品能用PI币支付吗?如果可以,大家需要五粮液请找我!
    江城火爆哥2020-03-15 21:30 Windows 10 | Chrome 64.0.3282.140
  6. 李育老师,能否把手机号码发给我,以便请教疑问我的电话号码13691971855,谢谢!
    买战胜2020-03-17 19:35 Linux | Chrome 57.0.2987.108
  7. 为什么pi今天点不开停机,官网也不提前通知一下,个人感觉pi团队这个模拟网运营技术好像很垃圾,
    买战胜2020-03-17 22:43 Linux | Chrome 57.0.2987.108