
专栏 Colin 5年前 (2020-01-22) 945236次浏览 945285 已收录 6个评论 扫描二维码


2020 年 1 月 22 日,有 Pi 友在群组里流传 Pi 币支付对接美团的照片,带着这样的疑问,我们寻根究底找到了某第三方渠道方亚太区副总裁王女士




王女士:这个是咱们 Pi 友发的网络图……应该是拼的,目前没有真实落地。




王女士:我刚刚发给你的这个数字支付已经打通了,但是咱们 Pi,还没有定下来,具体要看 Pi 项目方的落地应用规划,我是觉得如果说把这些应用落地全部开通之后,信仰度会更高,爆发的就更快。



Colin:Pi 币未来会接入的落地的商品应用服务中,那么方便对接国内的美团应用吗?


Colin:您对 Pi 项目如何看?

王女士:我也是 Pi 币共识者,我相信随着 Pi 用户的增多,落地应用一定会增多,我们也很愿意与 PI 进行一些技术和渠道上的一些合作!





On January 22, 2020, a group of PI friends circulated photos of PI currency payment docking with meituan. With such questions, we found Ms. Wang, vice president of Asia Pacific region, a third-party channel.

Here's a simple transcript:

Colin: hello! Is this picture spread on the Internet true?

Ms. Wang: this is a network map sent by our Pi friends... Should be a fight, there is no real landing.

Colin: is there any digital currency that can be applied to Meituan?

Ms. Wang: yes, that's ok. I'll send you a case of scenario application

Ms. Wang: the digital currency I just sent to you has been cleared, but the Pi has not been decided yet. The details depend on the application of the Pi project.

Colin: is that the platform on your side?

Ms. Wang: well, it's not the platform but the channel. Because platforms like Meituan didi, including douyin and kuaishou will not directly face the market. To do this integration or digital currency integration, it must be through a third party. We are the strategic partner with Meituan, that is to say, we belong to the channel party. I am in charge of this business, and I am directly in charge.

Colin: Pi coin will be connected to the landing commodity application service in the future. Is it convenient to connect with the domestic meituan application?

Ms. Wang: all serious project parties are still eager to get through the application scenarios, which requires a high degree of consensus and some strength and promising development plans. If they get through, they are sure to be icing on the cake.

Colin: what do you think of the PI project?

Ms. Wang: I am also a consensus of PI coin. I believe that with the increase of PI users, the number of landing applications will increase. We are also willing to cooperate with PI in some technologies and channels!


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  1. 六六六希望看到更多的落地应用!
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