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前哥伦比亚电影公司营销总裁及行业专家克里斯汀·伯奇(Christine Birch)为新成立的咨询公司 ROYGBIV Collective 打开大门,它将为媒体,科技和生活方式公司提供有关定位,创意品牌,信息和整体愿景的强大战略叙述。

由于前营销老板不仅在索尼,但梦工厂工作室和 FilmDistrict,桦木已经落后,在全球票房上这样的标题工作作为已经取得了数十亿美元的几个卖座电影运动勇敢者的游戏:欢迎来到丛林,蜘蛛侠:归乡,彼得·兔子(Peter Rabbit),《变形金刚》(变形金刚)以及奥斯卡获奖影片,例如《帮助》,《万物理论》 和  《丹麦姑娘》。借助 ROYGBIV 集体,Birch 将她的娱乐营销技能带给了新一代企业家,从蓬勃发展的加密货币公司 Pi Network 开始 自 3 月 14 日发布以来,该网站的活跃用户现已超过 200 万,所有用户都是受邀用户。


“虽然大多数电影营销活动都是以数据为驱动力,但我认为,在这些活动中,更需要获得更多的情感基础。当我决定加入 Pi Network 时,我看到了一个机会来证明我的方法的有效性,并为娱乐业以外的项目提供讲故事的叙述。讲故事不一定要针对任何平台。” Birch 告诉 Deadline。

Birch 与 Pi Network 合作,与硅谷初创公司 Social Chain Inc.合作,与创始人 Nicolas Kokalis 博士,Chengdiao Fan 博士和 Vincent McPhillip 共同制定新的社交加密货币的愿景。伯奇(Birch)的一位客人是斯坦福大学的一名毕业生,在一家家庭烧烤店开始谈论科技硬币后,便转向了加密货币的想法。

“我们开始谈论金融系统的问题所在,以及金钱实际上是一种创造的资产的想法。作为一个社会,我们最初交易商品和服务,最终决定以金钱为标准。伯奇说:“这成为关于如何以不同方式创造价值时可以做什么的非常有趣的对话。” Birch 与一组 Standford 博士一起为 Pi Network 的白皮书撰写了简介。

另外,伯奇还加入了 Stocks&Securities LTD(SSL)的董事会,该公司是一家一流的风险投资公司,目前正与她的家乡牙买加的当地企业家合作。作为这些努力的一部分,伯奇(Birch)正在制定在岛上新建豪华水疗中心的计划,该中心将具有牙买加本土草药疗法的丰富历史和治疗特性,其中包括以大麻为重点的疗法。

伯奇 3 岁时从牙买加移民到美国,她是达特茅斯学院的明矾,在纽约戏剧界的 Scholastic and Random House 剪了牙,然后开始了电影戏剧营销的漫长职业。该 ROYGBIV 集体去现场今天在推特,Facebook 上和 Instagram 的。



EXCLUSIVE: Former Columbia Pictures marketing chief and industry vet Christine Birch is opening the doors to The ROYGBIV Collective, a new consulting firm which will provide media, tech, and lifestyle companies with powerful strategic narratives across their positioning, creative branding, messaging and overall vision.

As the former marketing boss not only at Sony, but DreamWorks Studios and FilmDistrict, Birch has been behind several blockbuster film campaigns that have yielded billions of dollars at the global box office working on such titles as Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Rabbit, Transformers to name a few as well as Oscar-winning pics like The Help, The Theory of Everything and The Danish Girl. With the ROYGBIV Collective, Birch is bringing her entertainment marketing skills to a new generation of entrepreneurs, starting with the booming cryptocurrency firm Pi Network which since its March 14 launch, now counts over 2 million engaged users, all of whom are members by invitation.

“With all the emphasis on analytics and micro-targeting, it’s tempting to forget that it’s the ‘mythic narrative’ that connects all the dots, and creates emotional resonance. Since the beginning of man, such narratives have helped establish a sense of common purpose, which is how successful movements are built,” says Birch.

“While most movie marketing campaigns are data driven, I feel there’s a greater need to access more of the emotional underpinnings in these campaigns. When I decided to embrace the Pi Network, I saw an opportunity to demonstrate the validity of my approach and provide a storytelling narrative to a project that was outside the entertainment industry. Storytelling does not have to be specific to any platform,” Birch tells Deadline.

With Pi Network, Birch partnered with Silicon Valley startup Social Chain Inc., working alongside founders Dr. Nicolas Kokalis, Dr. Chengdiao Fan, and Vincent McPhillip to formulate the vision for a new social cryptocurrency. Birch was turned onto the idea of cryptocurrency after one of her guests, a Stanford graduate, began talking about the tech coin at a family barbecue.

“We started talking about what was wrong with the financial system the way it is, and the idea that money is in fact a created asset. As a society, we initially traded goods and services and ultimately decided that money was the standard. This became a very interesting conversation about what you can do when value is generated in a different way,” Birch says. Birch wrote the introduction to the Pi Network’s white paper with a group of Standford PhDs.

Separately, Birch has joined the board of directors of Stocks & Securities LTD (SSL), a premiere venture capital company which is teaming with local entrepreneurs on her native island of Jamaica. As part of these efforts, Birch is developing plans for a new luxury spa on the island, which will feature the rich history and therapeutic properties of Jamaica’s indigenous herbal healing, including a cannabis-focused regimen.

Birch immigrated to the US from Jamaica at the age of 3. A Dartmouth College alum, she cut her teeth in the New York publishing scene at Scholastic and Random House before embarking on a long career in motion picture theatrical marketing. The ROYGBIV Collective goes live today on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.



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