Pi network 这个游戏从 2019 年 3 月 14 日上线以来,全球参与接近 300 万人。大家讨论最多的是 pi 的现在价格、未来价格,以及 pi 的发展。 我们从 pi 的算力设计开始讨论可能会最真实的还原整个设计的初衷,剥离一些繁杂的因素。
首先第一个挖 pi 的人,他的算力是 3.14,他没有下线,没有安全圈加成。在 1-1000 人的规模,大家都是这个基础算力,然后有了安全圈和下线加成。
我们来看一下 pi 的算力递减设计:
可以清楚的看到目前单人加满安全圈的算力为项目启动之初的算力相比已经减少了非常多,从 188.49 减少到了 11.78,这还是不能忘记点闪电的情况下获得的算力。
而增加算力的方法,只有增加互助人数,也就是让更多的人参与进来,在游戏最初阶段,你增加一个朋友进来,他会给你贡献每小时 1.57 的算力,一天给你贡献 37.68 接近 40 的算力,因此,拉 100 个人,你就能达到每天接近 4000Pi 的产量,而随着人数的增加,算力每次减半,你维持算力的方法是拉一倍的人进来,人数开始倍增,人数达到 1000 的时候你需要 200 人,1 万的时候你需要 400 人,10 万的时候你需要 800 人,100 万人的时候你需要 1600 人,1 亿的时候你需要 3200 人,10 亿的时候你需要 6400 人,人数翻了 64 倍,对一个普通人来说,几乎不可能。
然后我们来谈 pi 的价格,pi 的价格会在总人数接近 1000 万人的时候,超过 10%的人开通内转并进行交易开始发生突变,从目前的一瓶酒 20 个 Pi,或者 1 个纪念币几百个 Pi 开始突变,因为大量人特别是发达国家的人开始进入这个游戏需要更多的 Pi 用来进行贸易的时候,目前的 Pi 就开始不够用了,同时在不发达国家,Pi 开始流行,因为 Pi 可以换对他们来说需要的东西,同时有钱人开始用更有价值的东西来换取 Pi 因为全世界可以自由流通,可以想象保时捷、飞机、甚至比特币在 Pi 的面前都会开始贬值。
更多人意识到 Pi 的价值以后,Pi 的价格开始飙升,同时期 Pi 的人数会随着 Pi 的价格飙升开始滚雪球飙升,并迅速达到 1 亿人规模,这个时候,抢人大战开始,为了获得更多 Pi,为了对抗算力减半的稀缺感,送手机活动开始登场,抢人大战进一步升级,全球手机发送活动开始,那些以前信息覆盖不到的落后国家和地区,开始有人主动送手机,教注册,全球信息网络开始构建。
这是 Pi 的第一步野心!
想象一下,你现在挖一天等于 10 亿人以后的个人挖 8 天,这是没有下线的情况下,按 100 人的算力,现在挖 3-4 天几乎就等于以后一个人挖一年。
这是全球公平的挖矿,除了发展下线,你没有任何别的办法增加你自己的算力,当 Pi 有价格,你无法轻易获取你下线的 Pi。当人数达到 10 亿以后,一年能挖多少 Pi 呢?答案是:537.50685890625 不到 1000。
如果一个美国人,需要 Pi,按他的年薪换算成等值的 Pi 的,一个 Pi 的价格接近 100 美元,记住这是计算了工业革命后货币大幅通货膨胀后的最基础价格。随着 Pi 的升值,这个价格会有一个去通货膨胀化的过程,美国通货膨胀率相对其他国家其实是低的,所以 Pi 的购买力随着 Pi 的交易频率增加,会有一个巨幅上升的过程,因为 Pi 是全透明体系,因此 Pi 的价格会全球高度统一。
这是 Pi 的第二步野心,全球去通胀。
综上所述,Pi 的价格已经不能用法币衡量,因为法币在 Pi 面前会成为废纸,因为它本身就是废纸,一个新的标签会替代落后的旧标签,因为它上面有太多的污渍,已经无法看清,无法衡量真实世界!
声明:本文由 Nic Wang 创作,仅代表个人观点,不代表中国 Pi 币网。转载请署名来源和出处
The price of PI is discussed from the calculation force design of PI network
Since its launch on March 14, 2019, Pi network has attracted nearly 3 million participants worldwide.Most of the discussion is about the current price and future price of PI, including the development of PI. We start with the force design of PI, which may restore the original intention of the whole design in the most authentic way, and remove some complicated factors.
First miner, whose computational power is 3.14, has no subordinate, no contrlbutor addition. On a scale of 1 to 1,000 people, everybody has this basic computational force, and then you have the contrlbutor addition and the subordinate addition.
Let's take a look at the force decreasing design of PI:
It can be clearly seen that the Daily limit for single person has been greatly reduced from 188.49 to 11.78 compared with the project when it started, which is still the computing power gained when lightning is not forgotten.
And the only way to increase the computing power, increase the number of subordinates, also is to let more people to participate, in the initial stage game, you add a friend to come in, he will give you contribution is 1.57 per hour, a day to 37.68 close to 40 you work force, therefore, invited 100 people, you will be able to achieve the output of nearly 4000 PI every day, and with the increase of total participation, computing power to halve, keep you work force method is twice as people come in, people began to double, the overall number of you need 200 to 1000.And so on, at a billion you need 6,400 people, 64 times the number, which is almost impossible for one person.
Then we talk about the price of PI, PI, the price will be in the total number of nearly 10 million people, more than 10% of those open insider trading began to mutate, from the current 20 PI, a bottle of wine or a commemorative COINS hundreds of PI to start mutations, because a lot of people especially developed countries began to enter the game needs to be more PI for trade, the current PI began to not enough use, in less developed countries at the same time, the PI became popular, because PI can change things for their need, and wealthy people began to use more valuable things for PI, because PI can circulate freely around the world,You can imagine fancy cars, airplanes, and even bitcoin losing value in the face of PI.
After more and more people realize the value of PI, PI prices have soared, at the same time the number of PI will be as PI prices began to snowball add muscle, and quickly reached 100 million people, this time, the war began, in order to obtain more PI, to combat force in half sense of scarcity, sending mobile phone activities started, war escalated, global mobile phone to send began, in the information technology backward countries and regions, began to someone take the initiative to send mobile phones, install PI app to register, begin to build the global information network.
This is the first ambition of PI!
Imagine that one day in your mine now is equal to 8 days in your mine in the future of a billion people. This is when there are no subordinates. According to the calculation force of 100 subordinates, 3-4 days in mine now is almost equal to a year in the future.
This is global fair mining, you have no other way to increase your computing power than to increase your subordinates, when PI has a price, you can't easily get your subordinates' PI.
When the population reaches 1 billion, how much π can be mined in a year?
The answer is: 537.50685890625 less than 1000.
If an American needs PI, the equivalent of PI per year's salary, the price of a PI is close to $100, remember this is the base price after the great currency inflation after the industrial revolution.
As the value of PI rises, there will be a process of de-inflating the price. The inflation rate of the us is actually lower than that of other countries, so the purchasing power of PI will increase dramatically as the transaction frequency of PI increases. Because PI is a transparent system, the price of PI will be highly uniform around the world.
This is the second ambition of PI, global de-inflation.
To sum up, the price of PI can no longer be measured in fiat money, because fiat money will become waste paper in front of PI, because it was originally waste paper, a new value label will replace the outdated old label, because it has too many stains, can not see clearly, can not measure the real world!

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- 对π的初级认知,还没跳出币圈思维,如果你用币圈思维来看π,撑死了千倍币,价格1000美金,还要3-5年实现。这种认知我只能说是初浅的。中级认知,看到派将会建立一个新的自由贸易体系,与传统经济形成竞争,并乐观估计,能够在一定程度占据有效市场份额,π的估值在5000-10000美金,目标3年。最高级的看法,π就是经济变革,是统一全球秩序,结束人类几千年文明纷争,带领人类文明进去新纪元的开拓者,用技术实现全人类文明的信任体系,将文明推向更高阶层,在这个角度,π就是整个未来的人类价值系统-----Nic Wang 2020.1.1
- 厉害了我的哥,这才是真实的尼克!
- 还是和外星文明建立贸易的基础,pi是开创人类进军宇宙的奠基
- 文章看着是不是很疯狂,马斯克还说2025年把人类送上火星呢,我认为这不是疯狂,这是豪气冲天的野心!