最新消息:10 月 30 日 pi 币核心成员 nicolas 在开发者频道发言
Pi network 联合创始人 技术负责人@nicolas,斯坦福大学博士、科学家。
@msl3311 Pi’s consensus algorithm is based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol. But Pi will not run on top of any other blockchain. Pi is its own blockchain, which means that other currencies/tokens can run on top of Pi. (I am bit busy deploying the last day of the convention later today and I may not be able to stay for a conversation, but since I saw this I wanted to make the clarification)
Pi的一致算法是基于恒星一致协议。但是不会在任何区块链上运行。Pi 是它自己的区块链,这意味着其他货币/代币可以在 Pi 之上运行。(今天晚些时候我正忙着安排会议的最后一天,我可能不能留下来和你交谈,但我看到了这一点,所以我想澄清一下)
