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Pi Convention Speaker Session on Pi Apps and Platform, including third-party developer demos. Swipe to the left for more talks.

翻译:关于 Pi 应用和平台的会议,包括第三方开发者演示。向左滑动可以看到更多的对话。

Utility, Platform and Applications

Welcome to the third session of the convention! This is a Pi Speaker Session with initially the Pi Core Team talking about updates and plans for the Pi Apps platform and Core Team apps, followed by a few videos from third-party developers showcasing their apps or ideas and how they would like to integrate with Pi.

In the Core Team’s talk, we will discuss 1) some high-level directions for Pi Applications, 2) some product and tech updates and plans about the Pi Platform, and 3) the potential apps that the Core Team may build, or guide building, in the hope to hear what Pioneers think about these apps.

Importance of utility & direction of Pi applications

Applications of Pi are important to creating utility and real value in the Pi ecosystem. Applications can be built by the Core Team or third-party developers. The platform is one of the major strategies of the Pi Core Team to decentralize the development of Pi’s ecosystem and leverage the power of our global community to achieve the breadth and scale of traditional economies. For ecosystem building, there are two types of apps: 1) apps with economic incentives or a business model for developers and 2) apps without a business model but essential to the infrastructure and completion of the ecosystem.

Type 1: Apps with business models

Apps with business models mean that they can earn Pi from the business transactions inside their apps, for example charges of Pi for facilitating a purchase for goods or services or direct sales in Pi to Pioneers. These apps make their own independent product, technology and business decisions, e.g. what features or functionalities to include in the app and how much to charge.

What we’re looking for in this type are apps that create real utilities of Pi, boost the usage of Pi and contribute to the growth of the ecosystem. For example, apps that facilitate selling and purchasing goods and services, e.g. marketplaces, service exchange apps, apps that make direct sales of goods or virtual goods or social applications, apps that charge subscriptions for content or services they provide. For initial apps, we would also consider light-weight apps meaning that it’s simple and easy to understand by most Pioneers and have a simple integration mechanism into Pi, e.g fun games with in-game purchases, social apps or meme apps, influence apps where the value and resources exchanged in Pi stay in the realm of being transferable on the internet, while more heavy-weight apps will be onboarded into the platform later. Heavy-weight apps here refer to apps that, in addition to online exchange of value, also require physical-world activities, such as inventories, supply chains and logistics. The reason for the order falls in line with our interactive design process where the light-weight applications at first can help us debug any issues and make improvements in the online processes of how the platform, apps, and Pioneers interact with each other in terms of technical integrations, user experience and economics, before introducing and compounding these processes with physical-world coordination required by the heavy-weight applications.

Type 2: Ecosystem apps

Ecosystem apps are apps that may not have a business model but are essential to the infrastructure of the Pi ecosystem. The purpose of such apps are to complete insufficiencies, facilitate growth of the ecosystem and benefit the common good of the network. Such projects can be either developed by a specific third-party developer or led by the community or the Core Team through open-sourced projects with crowdsourcing from the community. Some of these apps are not necessarily having a business model in Pi, and will or should be free for the community, such as an auditable open-source KYC solution. The rewards for the contributions to such projects can be community-based support through Pi donations from Pioneers, bounty programs or Pi crowdfunding. The Core Team will continue designing concrete mechanisms with inputs from the community, to explore and implement ways to support this type of apps and to surface developers who will lead this type of apps. Due to the nature of ecosystem apps, such apps including its functionality, features, in-app economics, will not be solely decided by the leading developer but will be guided by Pi Core Team and community feedback to ensure it satisfies the needs of the ecosystem and are in line with the interests of the community.

Core Team’s Role

The types of apps mentioned above correlate with the depth of involvement by the Core Team. For Type 1 apps with their own business model, the Core Team’s involvement include providing the platform along with its necessary technical support, e.g. SDK and API, evaluating and making the decision on whether they will be listed on the Pi platform and keeping them always in line with Pi’s policies and interests of the ecosystem. By contrast, Type 2 ecosystem apps without business models, in addition to the same things as Type 1 apps, Pi Core Team’s involvement will also include giving advice and guidance, designing mechanisms and defining policies that incentivise these developers and facilitate such development, and when necessary, mobilizing the community to support their development.

Apps to avoid

Of course, in both types of applications, we want to avoid ingenuine apps that try to game the system or apps that are not compliant with law or Pi’s policies. For example, sham apps that do not really facilitate real goods-and-services transactions but are in essence a channel for malicious people to scam Pioneers for money or data, or speculative people to sell Pi for fiat and other cryptocurrencies, to organize unauthorized exchanges of Pi under the table or to hoard Pi. We also will stay away from any apps that will raise regulatory questions in some regions, e.g gambling apps or casino games.

The procedure may involve evaluation by the Core Team, evaluation by the community committees and continued monitoring and auditing by the larger community, to ensure the compliance of law and Pi’s policies, alignment with Pi Network’s core values and strategies, and the benefits to the common good of the Pi community and more generally humanity.


Platform updates and plans

Q2 Platform Release

In Q2 2020, we introduced Pi Apps platform prototypes along with its first third-party app to the community. We had multiple iterations of the prototypes to fix bugs and improve scalability and user experience and finally announced the developer SDK and testing Sandbox at the end of May.

The Pi SDK released in Q2 allows developers to develop their applications in whichever programming language they prefer in their backend and integrate with the Pi Platform interface through Javascript in the frontend. For developers to integrate with Pi, we adopted industry standard technologies, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, so that they can focus more on building applications rather than getting complex technologies to work. Pi 3rd-party apps will initially be hitting Pi’s backend, so that they can iterate on their app designs and establish their use cases and audiences. Once they are ready and the blockchain becomes live, their backend will be able to adapt to hit the Pi Testnet or Mainnet directly, eventually achieving decentralization. This ensures the development of utility and decentralization are in parallel, rather than in sequence.

In Q3, we hoped that developers would be able to play with the released SDK and Sandbox and explore what could be built on Pi. We will see a few examples later in the developer demos after the Core Team talk.

The next steps for the Pi Platform

The next step for the Pi platform is to increase its functionalities for third party developers to develop fully functional apps with the ability to provide better user experience, while improving scalability, the security of the overall Pi system in relation to the Pi Platform and the protection of user privacy.

  • First, we would like to provide SDK endpoints for developers to take advantage of the scalable database backend of Pi Network. We will build a user-state object in our SDK for third-party apps to provide continued user experience, e.g. ability to allow users to continue what they left off from previous visits. This is important for almost all apps to provide a coherent user experience. Providing this endpoint means that developers will be able to store the state for each of their users directly onto the Pi backend without needing to deploy their own servers or store data in frontend technologies, such as “cookies” and “local store”, that are unreliable when a user signs out or changes their device. While more complex apps will always require their own backend, this SDK functionality will enable a plethora of simpler apps to work without worrying about servers.
  • Second, the platform will be able to allow authentication into using third-party apps without necessarily sharing their Pi usernames. In the current version of the platform, the access and use of third-party apps rely on the user's willingness to share their Pi usernames. Even though the choice to share or not is completely in the hands of the user, not sharing the Pi username would mean inability to use the specific third-party app. In the next versions of the platform, we would like to make the authentication to use third-party apps more flexible to provide better protection of users’ privacy while maintaining their ability to use third-party apps. Eventually, the platform will enable third-party apps to request specific information about the user, and allow the user to accept or refuse each of them.
  • The platform wants to provide more functionalities and accessibility for third-party apps to tap into the infrastructure of the Pi system and Pi community, for example, the ability for third-party apps to create their own Pi chat rooms through the SDK to interact with their users and engage other Pioneers to join their app.
  • We will allow developers to generate custom links that would take users directly to the developer’s intended place in their app, a process called “deep linking”. This way they will be able to invite new users into their apps directly without having to go through the general workflow of the Pi App first. This way will also enable experiences where one user interacts seamlessly with another. For example, in a round-based game, a user gets a link that navigates them directly to the interface of the game where they need to make their move; in a marketplace, a user can go directly to a place to check out a specific item; in a meme app, a user can share a specific meme, and others can navigate directly to that specific meme when clicking on that link.
  • The platform will also gradually release more functionalities for developers to integrate with the Pi currency. In the current version, developers can request payments from Pioneers. Later versions will provide the ability for the developers to pay Pioneers, completing the loop of bidirectional payments between app developers and Pioneers. The complete loop of transactions are important to enable certain apps. As we discussed in the Pi Phase 2 strategy announcement in March 2020, we will first focus on enabling third-party apps inside the Pi app itself, before enabling a Pi Payment system for completely external apps. Technically, this means that the availability of specific API endpoints will tailor to the needs of the in-app third-party apps based on reasons, such as efficiency and security, rather than enabling external applications to be able to run Pi Payments, which will come further down the line though. Thus, the API endpoints that we will make available next will be to validate payments to the app developer and to provide privacy control between a Pioneer and an app.



Core Team initiated apps

The Pi Core Team will develop and improve certain apps or guide a few ecosystem apps, to experiment and create Pi utility, build the ecosystem, and organize the community. We’ll introduce a few apps that the Core Team is considering improving and building ourselves or guiding ecosystem third-party developers to build, pending community input for us to prioritize. We’d like to hear what Pioneers think about these apps after watching this session, so we can decide how we will spend our time and resources next. Please express your thoughts in the Topic on the homescreen. Keep in mind that the Core Team’s Phase 2 mission is to achieve value creation through utility and decentralization while growing the community and building the ecosystem.

Apps to improve and build


Pi Chats has been the oldest and most used app inside Pi. This is the place where the Pi community’s global conversations are held, where old Pioneers discuss Pi and socialize, and where new Pioneers are helped by their peers when they get to know Pi. Over the past few months, we have added a new add-on feature, Topics, to facilitate forum-like and theme-based discussions. Next, we’d like to improve Pi Chats, including better moderation features, overall organization and usability, and a better spam control system either automatically or crowdsourced. The Core Team has been considering and exploring mechanisms to integrate the usage of Pi inside Pi chats for spam and troll controls and also for achieving more constructive conversations. If such experiments are successful, not only would it help experiment with the Pi utility, but it also benefits the community because Pioneers will enjoy the chats more, and more community activities can be organized through the Pi chats.

Home screen social media channel

So far, the Pi app’s home screen has been used by only the Core Team to make announcements and organize community activities. In a sense, the Core Team has been the only content creator on the home screen channel. However, we have plans to slowly open up the home screen channel for more content creators other than the Core Team itself to broadcast their content. For example, the home screen channel can be initially opened up to content created by chats moderators who may provide bite-size educational content about Pi for the community to address Pioneers’ questions in addition to answering them in the chats. Next, it can possibly be opened to good content creators on the internet even outside Pi Network, e.g. influencers on YouTube or Instagram, to bring more interesting content for Pioneers inside the app and to experiment with Pi utility. The type of content can expand from initially only about Pi to more general good quality content. Of course, the Core Team expects to integrate certain use of Pi to curate the content and organize non-core-team creators' access to the home screen channel that reaches millions of Pioneers. This is not only part of the Pi utility experiment but also attempts to innovate on how quality content can be achieved and consumed in social media. Inside the Core Team, we call this idea: a scarce social media channel, as opposed to the currently abundant millions of social media channels where everyone can host, e.g. on Instagram, YouTube. Such abundance of channels also creates low signal-to-noise ratio, information overload, and information sinos caused by the machine-learning algorithm curation. The Pi scarce social media channel tries to solve such social media problems by providing high signal content through the moderation of a token mechanism and human crowd curation.

Apps to guide

Crowdsourcing-based Translation app

As Pioneers are from almost every corner of the world, the fact that our app is only in English has been an impeding factor for our users to understand the Pi vision, mission or generally how the app works, and it has been difficult for our existing users to explain to potential new users. The translation of the app into different languages has been something that the community has been asking for and we want to build. While the Core Team can build the translations of the app in a centralized way, the Core Team would like to guide third-party ecosystem developers to create a translation-crowdsourcing app. The crowdsourcing-based translation app will allow us to decentralize the burden of translations to an unlimited number of languages in the world and also provides agility on an on-going basis when new updates or interfaces are deployed to the app. This translation app will receive voluntary translations of all texts of the Pi app, including app actions, instructions or announcement content. It will also need to institute a mechanism for evaluation, selection and validation by other peer Pioneers to ensure the accuracy of the translation in specific languages. Then, it automatically plugs into the backend of the Pi app so that phones with the specific language setting can display our app in that language. This app will be primarily an ecosystem app for the benefits of the community.

Community KYC solutions

Pi has a strict policy of one account per person. This requires a high degree of accuracy to establish that members in the network are genuine human beings, in order to prevent individuals being able to hoard Pi through creating fake accounts unfairly. So KYC is an important and necessary procedure inside our ecosystem. Current Pi KYC is conducted by a third-party KYC provider. However, as mentioned multiple times, the ultimate goal is to enable every Pioneer in the network to pass KYC or prove their humanness eventually for the Mainnet. Due to cost, coverage and accessibility by Pioneers in different regions, we hope to develop a decentralized, reliable, low- to no-cost KYC process customized for the Pi community. We hope this project will be a Core-Team-guided and community-sourced project because all Pioneers care about how KYC is conducted, and also because third-party developers from different regions may be more aware of different regional challenges or issues in the KYC process. The Core Team will lead the project but welcomes Pioneers and developers who are interested in solving this problem, generally or specifically, for different regions to contribute ideas and engineering time. If the project is community-sourced, the code of the KYC project needs to be open-source so that it’s publicly auditable. We’ve received many KYC proposals from the community. This project hopes to gather such community enthusiasts and more to develop our community KYC solution together. One of such KYC proposals from community members will be demonstrated following this Core Team talk.

These are the apps that the Core Team have been considering improving, building or guiding, and we want to hear what you think.

After the Core Team Talks, there are talks by Third Party developers. Through the convention developer speaker applications, we received many application submissions and surfaced a few interesting ideas and thoughts by Pioneers about potential apps for the Pi platform. We selected a few of such developers who were able to articulate their app or idea, and present the demo in a video to showcase here. The later presentations also include an update from our first third-party app - FeverIQ, about what Pioneers’ contributions to their app has turned into.

Disclaimer: Selection of the apps to be presented at the convention does not mean acceptance of the app to be deployed in the Pi Platform. The selection of apps to be deployed will be a separate process later. The convention is meant to foster discussions and further inspire innovations.


欢迎参加第三届公约!这是一次 Pi 演讲者会议,首先是 Pi 核心团队讨论 Pi Apps 平台和 Core Team 应用的更新和计划,然后是来自第三方开发人员的一些视频,展示他们的应用或想法以及他们如何与之集成皮。

在核心团队的演讲中,我们将讨论 1)Pi 应用程序的一些高级指导,2)有关 Pi 平台的一些产品和技术更新以及计划,以及 3)Core 团队可能构建或指导构建的潜在应用程序,希望能听到先锋对这些应用程序的看法。

实用程序的重要性和 Pi 应用程序的方向
Pi 的应用对于在 Pi 生态系统中创造效用和真实价值至关重要。应用程序可以由核心团队或第三方开发人员构建。该平台是 Pi 核心团队的主要战略之一,旨在分散 Pi 生态系统的发展并利用我们全球社区的力量来实现传统经济的广度和规模。对于生态系统构建,有两种类型的应用程序:1)具有经济诱因或针对开发人员的业务模型的应用程序; 2)没有业务模型但对基础架构和生态系统的完善至关重要的应用程序。

类型 1:具有商业模式的应用
具有商业模型的应用程序意味着他们可以从其应用程序内的业务交易中获得 Pi,例如,Pi 的费用是由于促进商品或服务的购买或将 Pi 直接销售给 Pioneers。这些应用程式会自行制定独立的产品,技术和业务决策,例如应用程式应包含哪些功能或功能,以及要收取多少费用。

我们正在寻找这种类型的应用程序,它们可以创建真正的 Pi 实用程序,提高 Pi 的使用率并促进生态系统的发展。例如,促进销售和购买商品和服务的应用,例如市场,服务交换应用,直接销售商品或虚拟商品的应用或社交应用,对订阅内容或服务收费的应用。对于初始应用程序,我们还将考虑轻量级应用程序,这意味着大多数先驱者都容易理解它,并具有与 Pi 的简单集成机制,例如,具有游戏内购买的趣味游戏,社交应用程序或 meme 应用程序, Pi 中交换的价值和资源仍然可以在互联网上转移,而更多重量级的应用程序稍后将被引入平台。这里的重量级应用程序是指除了在线交换价值之外,还需要实际活动的应用程序,例如库存,供应链和物流。下订单的原因与我们的交互式设计过程一致,即轻量级的应用程序首先可以帮助我们调试任何问题,并在平台,应用程序和先锋之间的交互方式方面改进在线过程。技术集成,用户体验和经济性,然后再将这些过程与重量级应用程序所需的物理-世界协调相结合。

类型 2:生态系统应用
生态系统应用程序是可能没有业务模式但对于 Pi 生态系统的基础结构必不可少的应用程序。此类应用程序的目的是完全弥补不足,促进生态系统的增长,并有益于网络的共同利益。此类项目可以由特定的第三方开发人员开发,也可以由社区或核心团队通过开源项目进行开发,并从社区进行众包。其中一些应用程序不一定在 Pi 中具有业务模型,并且对于社区将是免费的,例如可审计的开源 KYC 解决方案。对此类项目做出贡献的奖励可以是通过先锋提供的 Pi 捐赠,赏金计划或 Pi 众筹提供的基于社区的支持。核心团队将继续根据社区的意见设计具体的机制,以探索和实施支持此类应用程序的方法,并与将领导此类应用程序的开发人员接触。由于生态系统应用程序的性质,此类应用程序(包括其功能,功能和应用程序内经济性)将不仅由领先的开发人员单独决定,而且将在 Pi Core 团队和社区反馈的指导下进行,以确保其满足生态系统的需求并且符合社区的利益。

上面提到的应用程序类型与核心团队的参与深度相关。对于拥有自己商业模式的 Type 1 应用程序,核心团队的参与包括提供平台以及必要的技术支持,例如 SDK 和 API,评估它们是否将在 Pi 平台上列出并做出决策,并使其始终与 Pi 的政策和生态系统利益保持一致。相比之下,没有业务模型的 2 型生态系统应用程序,除了与 1 型应用程序相同的事情外,Pi 核心团队的参与还包括提供建议和指导,设计机制并定义政策,以激励这些开发人员并促进此类开发,以及何时必要,动员社区支持他们的发展。

当然,在这两种类型的应用程序中,我们都希望避免尝试使用独创性的应用程序尝试对系统进行游戏或不遵守法律或 Pi 政策的应用程序。例如,伪造的应用程序并不能真正促进实际的商品和服务交易,但实质上是恶意人员通过欺诈手段骗取 Pioneers 的金钱或数据,或者是投机性人员以 Pi 出售法令和其他加密货币来组织未经授权的交易的渠道 Pi 在桌子底下或 ard 积 Pi。我们还将远离在某些地区会引起监管问题的任何应用程序,例如赌博应用程序或赌场游戏。

该程序可能包括核心团队的评估,社区委员会的评估以及更大社区的持续监控和审计,以确保法律和 Pi 的政策得到遵守,与 Pi Network 的核心价值和策略保持一致,并为共同利益带来好处。 Pi 社区和更广泛的人性方面的优势。

在 2020 年第二季度,我们向社区介绍了 Pi Apps 平台原型及其首个第三方应用程序。我们对原型进行了多次迭代,以修复错误并改善可扩展性和用户体验,并最终于 5 月底发布了开发人员 SDK 和测试沙盒。

第二季度发布的 Pi SDK 允许开发人员在后端使用他们喜欢的任何编程语言开发应用程序,并通过前端的 Javascript 与 Pi 平台接口集成。为了使开发人员能够与 Pi 集成,我们采用了行业标准技术,例如 HTML,CSS 和 JavaScript,因此他们可以将更多精力放在构建应用程序上,而不是让复杂的技术开始工作。 Pi 3rd-party 应用程序最初将进入 Pi 的后端,以便他们可以迭代其应用程序设计并确定其用例和受众。一旦准备就绪,区块链开始运行,他们的后端将能够直接适应 Pi Testnet 或 Mainnet,最终实现去中心化。这确保了效用和权力下放的发展是并行的,而不是顺序的。

在第三季度,我们希望开发人员能够使用发布的 SDK 和 Sandbox 并探索可以在 Pi 上构建的内容。在核心团队演讲之后,我们将在开发人员演示中看到一些示例。

Pi 平台的后续步骤
Pi 平台的下一步是增加其功能,供第三方开发人员开发功能齐全的应用程序,以提供更好的用户体验,同时提高可扩展性,整个 Pi 系统相对于 Pi 平台的安全性以及保护用户隐私。

首先,我们想为开发人员提供 SDK 端点,以利用 Pi Network 的可扩展数据库后端。我们将在 SDK 中为第三方应用构建用户状态对象,以提供持续的用户体验,例如允许用户继续他们先前访问中遗留下来的功能。这对于几乎所有应用程序都提供一致的用户体验很重要。提供此端点意味着开发人员将能够将其每个用户的状态直接存储到 Pi 后端,而无需部署自己的服务器或将数据存储在前端技术(例如“ Cookie”和“本地存储”)中。用户注销或更改其设备时不可靠。虽然更复杂的应用程序始终需要它们自己的后端,但是此 SDK 功能将使大量更简单的应用程序可以工作,而不必担心服务器。
其次,该平台将能够允许使用第三方应用程序进行身份验证,而不必共享其 Pi 用户名。在该平台的当前版本中,第三方应用程序的访问和使用取决于用户共享其 Pi 用户名的意愿。即使共享与否的选择完全在用户手中,但不共享 Pi 用户名将意味着无法使用特定的第三方应用程序。在该平台的下一版本中,我们希望使身份验证更加灵活地使用第三方应用程序,以便在保持用户使用第三方应用程序的能力的同时,更好地保护用户的隐私。最终,该平台将使第三方应用程序能够请求有关用户的特定信息,并允许用户接受或拒绝它们中的每一个。
该平台希望为第三方应用程序提供更多功能和可访问性,以利用 Pi 系统和 Pi 社区的基础架构,例如,第三方应用程序可以通过 SDK 创建自己的 Pi 聊天室以与之交互。他们的用户,并吸引其他先驱加入他们的应用程序。
我们将允许开发人员生成自定义链接,以将用户直接带到开发人员在其应用程序中的预期位置,这一过程称为“深度链接”。这样,他们将能够直接邀请新用户加入他们的应用程序,而无需先经过 Pi App 的常规工作流程。这种方式还将使一个用户与另一个用户无缝交互的体验成为可能。例如,在基于回合的游戏中,用户会获得一个链接,该链接可将他们直接导航到需要进行移动的游戏界面;在市场中,用户可以直接去某个地方签出特定商品;在模因应用程序中,用户可以共享特定的模因,而其他人可以在单击该链接时直接导航到该特定的模因。
该平台还将逐步发布更多功能,供开发人员与 Pi 货币集成。在当前版本中,开发人员可以向先锋公司要求付款。更高版本将为开发人员提供向先锋付款的功能,从而完成应用程序开发人员与先锋之间的双向支付循环。事务的完整循环对于启用某些应用程序很重要。正如我们在 2020 年 3 月的 Pi 阶段 2 战略公告中所讨论的那样,我们将首先专注于在 Pi 应用本身内部启用第三方应用,然后再为完全外部的应用启用 Pi Payment 系统。从技术上讲,这意味着特定 API 终结点的可用性将基于效率和安全性等原因来适应应用程序内第三方应用程序的需求,而不是使外部应用程序能够运行 Pi Payments,虽然走得更远。因此,我们接下来将提供的 API 端点将是验证向应用程序开发人员的付款,并提供先锋与应用程序之间的隐私控制。

Pi 核心团队将开发和改进某些应用程序或指导一些生态系统应用程序,以实验和创建 Pi 实用程序,构建生态系统并组织社区。我们将介绍一些核心团队正在考虑改进和构建的应用程序,或指导生态系统第三方开发人员构建的应用程序,尚待社区提供意见供我们优先处理。在观看完本次会议后,我们想听听先锋对这些应用的看法,因此我们可以决定下一步如何花费时间和资源。请在主屏幕上的主题中表达您的想法。请记住,核心团队的第二阶段任务是在扩大社区和建设生态系统的同时,通过效用和权力下放实现价值创造。

Pi Chats 是 Pi 中最古老,使用最多的应用程序。这是 Pi 社区进行全球对话的地方,老 Pioneers 在这里讨论 Pi 并进行社交,在新 Pioneer 认识 Pi 的同龄人的帮助下。在过去的几个月中,我们添加了一个新的附加功能“主题”,以促进类似于论坛和基于主题的讨论。接下来,我们要改进 Pi 聊天,包括更好的审核功能,整体组织和可用性以及更好的自动或众包垃圾邮件控制系统。核心团队一直在考虑和探索在 Pi 聊天中整合使用 Pi 的机制,以进行垃圾邮件和巨魔控制,以及实现更具建设性的对话。如果这样的实验成功,不仅将有助于 Pi 实用程序的试验,而且还将使社区受益,因为 Pioneers 将更喜欢聊天,并且可以通过 Pi 聊天组织更多的社区活动。

到目前为止,只有核心团队才使用 Pi 应用程序的主屏幕来发布公告和组织社区活动。从某种意义上说,核心团队是主屏幕频道上唯一的内容创建者。但是,我们计划缓慢开放主屏幕频道,以供核心团队本身以外的更多内容创建者播放其内容。例如,最初可以打开主屏幕频道,以显示由聊天主持人创建的内容,聊天主持人可以提供关于 Pi 的一口大小的教育内容,供社区在讨论中回答先驱者的问题后再回答。接下来,它甚至可以在 Pi Network 之外的互联网上向优秀的内容创建者开放,例如 YouTube 或 Instagram 上的影响者,以便在应用程序内为先锋提供更多有趣的内容,并尝试使用 Pi 实用程序。内容的类型可以从最初的仅 Pi 扩展到更一般的高质量内容。当然,核心团队希望整合对 Pi 的某些使用来策划内容,并组织非核心团队的创作者访问主屏幕的渠道,该渠道覆盖了成千上万的 Pioneers。这不仅是 Pi 实用程序实验的一部分,而且还尝试着创新如何在社交媒体上实现和消费高质量的内容。在核心团队内部,我们将此想法称为:稀缺的社交媒体渠道,而不是目前每个人都可以托管的数百万个社交媒体渠道,例如在 Instagram,YouTube 上。如此丰富的通道还会产生低信噪比,信息过载和由机器学习算法管理引起的信息异常。 Pi 稀缺的社交媒体渠道试图通过调节令牌机制和人群管理来提供高信号含量,从而解决此类社交媒体问题。

由于 Pioneers 来自世界各地,几乎所有国家/地区的用户都无法使用 Pi 的事实,因为我们的应用程序只有英文,这一直是阻碍用户了解 Pi 的愿景,使命或应用程序总体运行方式的因素,而现有的应用程序很难做到这一点用户向潜在的新用户进行解释。一直以来,社区一直在要求将应用程序翻译成不同的语言,我们希望以此为基础。虽然核心团队可以集中地构建应用程序的翻译,但核心团队希望指导第三方生态系统开发人员创建翻译众包应用程序。基于众包的翻译应用程序将使我们能够将翻译的负担分散到世界上不限数量的语言中,并且在将新更新或界面部署到该应用程序时,还可以持续提供敏捷性。该翻译应用程序将收到 Pi 应用程序所有文本的自愿翻译,包括应用程序操作,说明或公告内容。它还需要建立一种机制,以供其他同行先锋进行评估,选择和确认,以确保特定语言翻译的准确性。然后,它会自动插入 Pi 应用程序的后端,以便具有特定语言设置的手机可以用该语言显示我们的应用程序。该应用将主要是为社区带来利益的生态系统应用。

社区 KYC 解决方案
Pi 的严格政策是每人一个帐户。这就要求高度准确地确定网络中的成员是真实的人,以防止个人能够通过不公平地创建假帐户来 Pi 积 Pi。因此,KYC 是我们生态系统内部的重要且必要的过程。当前的 Pi KYC 由第三方 KYC 提供商进行。但是,正如多次提到的,最终目标是使网络中的每个先锋都能通过 KYC 或最终证明其对 Mainnet 的人性化。由于先锋在不同地区的成本,覆盖范围和可访问性,我们希望为 Pi 社区开发一种分散,可靠,低成本到免费的 KYC 流程。我们希望该项目将是一个以核心团队为指导并以社区为基础的项目,因为所有先驱者都在关注 KYC 的运作方式,并且因为来自不同地区的第三方开发人员可能更了解 KYC 中的不同地区挑战或问题处理。核心团队将领导该项目,但欢迎有兴趣解决此问题的先锋者和开发人员,通常或专门针对不同地区提供意见和工程时间。如果该项目是社区来源的,则 KYC 项目的代码必须是开源的,以便其可公开审核。我们收到了来自社区的许多 KYC 建议。该项目希望聚集更多的社区爱好者,共同开发我们的社区 KYC 解决方案。在此核心团队演讲之后,将演示社区成员提出的此类 KYC 提案之一。


在核心团队讨论之后,还有第三方开发人员的讨论。通过大会开发者演讲者应用程序,我们收到了许多应用程序提交的内容,并浮出了先锋关于 Pi 平台潜在应用程序的一些有趣的想法和想法。我们选择了一些这样的开发人员,他们能够表达他们的应用程序或想法,并在视频中演示该演示以在此处展示。稍后的演示还包括我们的第一个第三方应用程序 FeverIQ 的更新,内容介绍了先锋对其应用程序所做的贡献。

免责声明:选择要在大会上展示的应用程序并不意味着接受要在 Pi 平台中部署的应用程序。选择要部署的应用程序将在以后单独进行。该公约旨在促进讨论并进一步激发创新。

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