
Pi币快讯 Erica 4年前 (2020-08-21) 351118次浏览 351167 已收录 1个评论 扫描二维码


Convention Agenda Topics & Round 2 Applications

Based on the over 17,000 submissions to our round 1 convention speaker application, we drafted the initial Convention Sections and Topics. Preview them below. This is also a request for speakers on specific topics for the convention, i.e. Round 2 Speaker Application.

Qualified speaker applicants from Round 1 will be invited to fill in the form in a followup email this or early next week that requires video submissions. Video submissions will be a short demo showcasing the speakers’ style of presentation and main talking points. Video submissions will receive greater consideration to present at the convention.

Here are the initial proposed agenda sections and topics. Certain topics may be added, revised or removed in the final convention agenda. As a reminder from the previous convention announcement, Pi’s first convention will be an online one-day event.

Convention Agenda Sections:Each section in the agenda will eventually contain multiple topics that include the ones we're seeking speakers from within our community listed in Convention Topics below and other topics that the Core team or extermal speakers will present.

1.Decentralization and Node

2.Utility, Platform and Applications

3.Mining and Mobile application

4.Ecosystem Development

5.Community and Governance

Convention Topics on which we look for Speakers: For the upcoming Pi Convention, we are looking for qualified speakers to host a talk on these proposed topics. The deadline to submit the Round 2 speaker application is August 31st, 2020.

1.Consensus Algorithms - The speaker can highlight different consensus algorithms such as Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Byzantine Fault tolerance, Federated Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Proof of Authority and more. Talks about how to improve or build on federated Byzantine agreement will be especially welcome. Discuss the pros & cons of the various Consensus algorithms.

2.Usability and Extendibility for Pi Nodes - Shape the future of Nodes. Help present new ideas and concepts to improve and extend the usability & experience of Pi Node software.

3.Third-Party Applications - We are looking for developers to come share their app and demonstrate how it can be utilized by Pioneers. (Candidates from Round 1 need to submit a video demo). How do we build our developer community?

4.Discussion: Pros and Cons of Stopping Mobile Mining at 10M, 100M or 1B Network Size - Should we continue or stop mobile mining when the network reaches 10M, 100M, 1B? We will feature representative speakers from the community on both sides of this question.

5.The Future of Pi Mobile App - What can the Pi mobile application evolve into beyond mining? What internal applications/features do you hope the Core Team will build that can contribute to the utility of Pi?

6.Proof of Humanness - Propose solutions to prove Pioneers are real human beings, including solutions of KYC.

7.Community and Governance - What should be the duties of the community committee? What are the selection criteria and selection process for the committee members? Give proposals of how to organize regional local communities.

8.Industry - How should Pi collaborate with other blockchain projects and traditional businesses? How can Pi better integrate into the existing world of fiat currencies?

9.Other Talks - Do you have other talks about the Future of Pi? Decentralization? Blockchain? Applications of Pi? etc.? We still have open topics to submit your proposal for talks.

Apply HERE to speak at the first Pi Convention! The deadline to submit the Round 2 speaker application is August 31st, 2020.



基于超过 17000 人提交我们的第一轮大会发言人申请,我们起草了初步的大会部分和主题。下面的预览他们。这也是对公约特定主题的发言者的要求,即第二轮发言者申请。


以下是初步提议的议程节和主题。某些主题可在最后的公约议程中增加、修订或删除。作为上一次大会公告的提醒,Pi 的第一次大会将是一个为期一天的在线活动。







关于大会主题我们寻找发言者:对于即将到来的 Pi 大会,我们正在寻找合格的发言者主持这些提议的主题。提交第二轮演讲者申请的截止日期是 2020 年 8 月 31 日。


2.Pi 节点的可用性和可扩展性——塑造节点的未来。帮助提出新的想法和概念,以改进和扩展 Pi 节点软件的可用性和经验。


4.讨论:在 10M、100M、1B 网络规模下停止移动采矿的利弊——当网络规模达到 10M、100M、1B 时,我们是继续还是停止移动采矿?我们将邀请该社区在这两个问题上的代表发言。

5.Pi 移动应用程序的未来——除了采矿,Pi 移动应用程序还能发展成什么?你希望核心团队构建什么样的内部应用程序/特性来促进 Pi 的使用?

6.证明真人-提出解决方案,以证明先驱是真正的人类,包括解决 KYC。


8.行业- Pi 应该如何与其他区块链项目和传统企业合作?Pi 如何才能更好地融入现有的法定货币世界?

9.关于 Pi 的未来,你还有什么要说的吗?分散?区块链吗?π的应用?等等?我们还有一些议题可以提交你的谈判建议。

在这里申请在第一次 Pi 大会上发言!提交第二轮演讲者申请的截止日期是 2020 年 8 月 31 日。


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  1. 九个问题都是严肃严紧的,需要认真思考和大智慧,希望智者和高水准的人才认真对待。
    lzp775882020-08-21 13:21 Linux | Chrome 78.0.3904.62