
Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2020-07-08) 691169次浏览 691218 已收录 4个评论 扫描二维码


趁你还来得及,以更快的速度来我的。当 Pi 达到 1000 万雇佣的开拓者时,开采率要么减半,要么降为零。当我们突破五百万大关时,我们计划在 2020 年第三季度末举行一次在线会议。阅读更多关于大会的初步计划。

Initial plan of the Pi Convention

Pi Network right now has over 6 Million engaged Pioneers, which exclude Pioneers who didn’t reach the third mining sessions and also any suspected fake accounts that we have detected and marked internally. As mentioned in our initial White Paper, we would hold a global convention when we reach 5 Million Pioneers. The Core Team has started planning on the convention and aims to hold it sometime during Q3 of this year. Due to the pandemic of COVID 19, the global convention will be online only. Here are the initial plans we have for the convention.

In addition to the discussion on governance initially mentioned in the White Paper, the convention will also be dedicated to discussions on the development and ecosystem-building of Pi. Specifically, we hope the convention could be an opportunity for the community to discuss 1) the progress in decentralization, i.e. node, Testnet and technical challenges and solutions; 2) the applications of Pi and the direction of the Pi Platform, e.g. showcase of applications by developers, how to create demands for Pi through applications and the platform development.

On governance, through the convention, we hope to surface community leaders and experts to form a committee that will be able to better solicit community voices to help build the future Pi governance structure. At the convention, we can discuss the criteria of electing such committee members, e.g. previous contributions to Pi Network, expertise in different areas, leadership and conflict of interest, and design processes where the committee helps solicit community voices. This committee hopefully will be more responsible for organizing Pi’s future conventions.

The convention will include not only Core Team updates and outlook into the future, but also speakers from Pioneers as third-party developers, moderators and regional representatives, and speakers outside of Pi Network on industry trends. During Q3, we will give further updates as to the specific agenda and format of the convention, on which specific topics we look for from Pioneer speakers, and the selection criteria for such speakers.


Pi 公约的初步计划

Pi 网络现在已经有超过 600 万的用户,这就排除了那些没有进入第三轮挖掘的用户,以及那些我们在内部发现并标记的可疑的虚假账号。正如我们在最初的白皮书中提到的,当我们达到 500 万先驱者时,我们将举行一次全球大会。核心团队已经开始计划会议,目标是在今年第三季度的某个时候举行。由于 COVID 19 的流行,全球大会将只在网上进行。这是我们关于会议的初步计划。

除了白皮书中最初提到的关于治理的讨论,公约还将致力于讨论 Pi 的发展和生态系统建设。具体而言,我们希望该公约可以成为共同体讨论 1)权力下放的进展,即节点、Testnet 和技术挑战和解决方案的机会;2) Pi 的应用和 Pi 平台的发展方向,例如开发者展示应用,如何通过应用和平台开发创造对 Pi 的需求。

在治理方面,我们希望通过公约,让社区领袖和专家组成一个委员会,能够更好地征求社区的声音,以帮助建立未来的 Pi 治理结构。在国际年会中,我们可以讨论选举委员会成员的标准,例如以前对 Pi 网络的贡献、不同领域的专业知识、领导能力和利益冲突,以及设计委员会帮助征求社区意见的程序。希望这个委员会能更负责组织国际扶轮年会。

大会不仅将包括核心团队的更新和对未来的展望,还将包括来自第三方开发先锋、主持人和地区代表的发言者,以及 Pi 网络以外的关于行业趋势的发言者。在第三季度,我们将进一步更新《公约》的具体议程和形式,我们希望从先驱发言者那里找到哪些具体主题,以及挑选这些发言者的标准。

更多详情解读请点击下方二维码扫码加入 CPB 精英群。

目前 CPB 联盟拥有 600 多个微信社群,数十万名 pi 币爱好者,更有资深的币圈巨鲸坐镇,我们教你如何更加迅速的赚到人生的一桶金。


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  1. 有派有期待,新辉煌愿大家心有所信方能行远。
    新辉煌2020-07-08 11:00 Linux | Chrome 77.0.3865.120
  2. 必须投停产,投减产的话,要等一亿活跃用户,何年马月???
    宇辰2020-07-14 19:19 Linux | Chrome 71.0.3578.141
  3. 语言阻碍了中国∏友们对pi的更深入了解。 :sad:
    安琪儿2020-07-16 11:56 Linux | Chrome 62.0.3202.97
  4. 减产
    鼎康木门2020-07-29 20:42 Linux | Chrome 76.0.3809.89