快讯:项目方因第二阶段构建 Pi 的融资模式征询建议和反馈(包含简评)

Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2020-03-28) 327130次浏览 327179 已收录 9个评论 扫描二维码

快讯:项目方因第二阶段构建 Pi 的融资模式征询建议和反馈(包含简评)

Building Pi’s Funding Model

In addition to the two main goals of Phase Two, one important supporting goal will be to achieve more sustainable funding for the project in order to accelerate development. This supporting goal is even more important now, given the volatility being caused by the coronavirus in the global financial markets.

As we embark on Phase Two, one natural question on people’s minds may be “When will we get to Phase 3?” (Mainnet). Two of the biggest variables that will determine how quickly the project can progress to the third and final phase are the financial and human resources that we have to get us there. The Core Team has been extremely lean over the first phase of the project. Today, we have a total full time staff of 8 on the Core Team supporting a community of over 4M Pioneers. That means that each core team member is supporting an average of 500K Pioneers!

While we’re proud of what we’ve been able to achieve with such limited resources, the lack of engineering horsepower has caused some of you to experience app outages, slower response time to bugs in the application, and restrictions in making certain features available to more Pioneers (such as phone verification outside of the U.S. and the U.K.) More sustainable funding will allow us to provide even more reliable and higher quality service to our growing global community.

Building and sustaining a project the scale of Pi Network is a costly endeavor. To give you a sense of cost, with Pi’s high amount of traffic maintaining our servers alone costs over $30,000 USD a month. The cost of just receiving text messages when Pioneers verify their phone numbers is already around $8,000 USD a month. The cost to send verification text messages internationally would have been about 10 times more. These costs would be significantly higher if we were providing the ideal level of service to the community and will grow higher as the number of Pioneers grows.

Given how important and sensitive this topic is, we want to build our plan for sustainably funding the project alongside the community. Over the last few weeks, we have started these discussions with the moderator community to get a sense of the best ways to help fund the project. So far, the easiest and least burdensome option appears to be in-app advertising, because they don’t cost money and they are pretty common on free apps.

While ads are a promising option, we would like the community’s feedback on ads as well as suggestions of how we could best implement them. With that said, ads may not even cover the cost of the servers, not to mention all of the other costs we incur while building Pi. So, we’d also like the community to submit ideas for additional avenues for funding the project. As you think of different options, please keep in mind the following guiding principles we would like to adhere to as we design Pi’s funding model:

Trust and integrity. Pi’s funding model should not compromise the trust and integrity of the project.

Equal access. Pi’s funding model should not compromise access for Pioneers with limited financial resources.

Transparency. Pi’s funding model should be transparent to the community.

Legality and compliance. Pi’s funding model should adhere as best possible to the relevant legal and regulatory regimes of our global community’s native countries.

As the community continues to grow and our focus expands to building value and decentralizing the network, the project will continue to require resources. We’d love to hear community suggestions on how we can more sustainably fund the project, given the guidelines provided above. We look forward to your ideas and feedback!

翻译:构建 Pi 的融资模式

当我们开始第二阶段时,人们头脑中的一个自然问题可能是"我们什么时候能进入第三阶段?(主网)。决定项目进展到第三个和最后阶段的速度最大的两个变量是我们必须让我们达到的财力和人力资源。核心团队在项目的第一阶段非常精简。如今,我们的核心团队中共有 8 名全职员工,支持超过 400 万先锋社区。这意味着每个核心团队成员都支持平均 50 万先锋!

尽管我们为利用如此有限的资源所取得的成绩感到自豪,但工程马力的缺乏已导致一些人遇到应用中断、应用程序中 Bug 响应时间变慢以及某些功能的限制提供给更多先驱者(如英国和英国境外的电话验证)更可持续的资金将使我们能够为我们不断增长的全球社区提供更可靠和更优质的服务。

建立和维持一个项目的规模 Pi 网络是一个昂贵的努力。为了让您有一种成本感,Pi 的流量高达维护我们的服务器,每月的费用超过 30,000 美元。当先锋公司核实他们的电话号码时,仅仅收到短信的费用已经是每月 8000 美元左右。在国际上发送验证短信的费用大约是 10 倍。如果我们为社会提供理想的服务水平,这些成本将会高得多,并且会随着先驱者数量的增加而增加。


虽然广告是一个有前途的选择,但我们希望社区对广告的反馈以及我们如何能够最好地实施这些广告的建议。话虽如此,广告甚至可能无法支付服务器的成本,更不用说我们在构建 Pi 时产生的所有其他成本了。因此,我们也希望社区提交想法,为项目提供资金的其他途径。当您考虑不同的选项时,请记住以下指导原则,我们希望遵守,因为我们设计 Pi 的融资模型:

信任和诚信。Pi 的融资模式不应损害项目的信任和完整性。
平等访问。Pi 的融资模式不应损害资金短缺的先锋公司的准入。
透明度。Pi 的资助模式应该对社区透明。
合法性和合规性。Pi 的融资模式应尽可能遵守我们全球土著社区的本土相关法律和监管制度。

参与方式:打开 APP 主页——话题


其实这个项目方缺资金和需要融资的消息早在 1 月份的时候,我已获悉。只是为了避免某些 Pi 友误解,一直没有讲,只在红杉树部落简单的提到,项目方今天主动公开信息,说明了已经有应对之策,首先,可以明确的确定这不是一个赤裸裸的资金盘,耗费资金和时间超过一年了,包括前期的先锋用户 KYC 没有要求收费 1 分钱。进入测试网之后,将会需要更多的技术人员加入包括构建 DAPP,随着用户的增长,服务器带宽、短信验证等费用提升这是客观存在的,需求更多资金注入这是必须的。在保证不损害项目白皮书规划的前提下,如何注入资金进来?这是项目方需要考虑的,也是需要征询大家的,而不是说他们没有钱再项目进行下来。


1.项目方可以把开发者的 20%奖励基金的部分做成期权或者限期锁仓作为融资,此为上策;

2.接受广告投放,例如开机视频广告或者以 Pi 构建闭环式的广告系统,支持商家购买 Pi 币投放广告,此为中策;




PS.一些个人和自媒体无端猜测包括炮制假新闻,无助于项目方推动,例如擅自宣传已经 500W 先锋,此举就是像说 3.14 上主网一样自我打脸,希望 Pi 友能有自己的逻辑思维,不要盲目的跟随。中国 Pi 币网,努力守护每一个矿工的 Coins。

转载请注明原文链接:快讯:项目方因第二阶段构建 Pi 的融资模式征询建议和反馈(包含简评)

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  1. 第一,第二方案很好!
    老韭菜2020-03-28 13:05 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  2. 紧跟官方步伐,支持官方决定,pi加油
    随缘2020-03-28 13:39 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  3. 第一和第二方案最可取,也可以同时采纳!
    hxj19882020-03-28 14:44 Linux | Chrome 77.0.3865.120
  4. 多头并举,保证计划顺利进行。
    放弃2020-03-28 16:56 Linux | Chrome 57.0.2987.108
  5. 紧跟官方步伐,支持官方决定,pi加油
    毛随缘2020-03-28 18:54 Linux | Chrome 66.0.3359.126
  6. 相信Pi,相信项目方
    Able Zhang2020-03-29 03:33 Windows 10 | Chrome 78.0.3904.108
  7. 一个计划不行 要多种渠道同时进行资金供应才能保证项目进度 加油pi 背后还有千千万万我们矿工 无论啥决定我们都支持 有困难说一声 我们也可以尽自己力量帮忙!!
    丑八怪2020-03-29 10:37 Linux | Chrome 77.0.3865.120
  8. pi加油 !你是最好的
    赵岩宾2020-03-29 13:34 Mac OS X | Safari浏览器 604.1
  9. 我认为上面说的三条建议不错,不仅仅是广告,允许pi成员注资,按照注资额分配股权。其次将公司持有股权拿出一定比例找风投公司融资也是不错的主意。
    Adam2020-03-31 22:37 Linux | Chrome 76.0.3809.89