
Pi币快讯 Erica 5年前 (2019-12-30) 347188次浏览 347237 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码

最新消息:12 月 30 日 pi 币核心成员 nicolas 在开发者频道发言,


Pi network 联合创始人  技术负责人@nicolas,斯坦福大学博士、科学家。

独家快讯:pi币创始人英文群12月30日互动的3条信息透露(14:28) 独家快讯:pi币创始人英文群12月30日互动的3条信息透露(14:28)

Hi everyone, happy holidays. The source code for phase 3 mainnet, the actual blockchain, will obviously be open source and it must be open source. So given that the code for mainnet will be open source, the code for phase 1 is not so important to be open source because its functionality is to custodially keep track of people’s balances until mainnet and to build the trust graph that the mainnet code will use as an input. Additionally there is a reason for keeping the code of phase 1 closed for the benefit of all honest pioneers: one of the code’s current functionalities is to weed out fake accounts from real ones. So the code is taking into consideration a lot of different user signals and produces a probability for each account of whether it is real or fake. It would be detrimental for everyone if that part of the code was open source as it would simply give visibility to bot owners of how to make better bots, while it wouldn’t give any benefit to honest pioneers. At the moment, we are internally silently marking all accounts that our algorithm is certain that are fake, we exclude those accounts from all stats, and their pi will not transfer to mainnet. At the same time we are not giving them any feedback that we “caught” them because we find no reason to help them become “smarter”. This part of the code is not related to cryptography (where security by obscurity is not ideal), it is instead a mix of deterministic signal processing and machine learning.


1.Pi 币是必须会开源代码的,在登录主网之后源代码都是可查看;







上图是 Pi 币彩蛋


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