
Pi币快讯 Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 4616次浏览 4665 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码

相信很多 Pi 友在项目组过圣诞节和迎接新年的假期中焦虑等待,有很多疑问。我们中国 pi 币网通过数据分析整理自圣诞节至今 8 个热门问题,在此一一解读:

1.pi 币什么时间上交易所

答:目前 Pi 没有上任何一家交易所,国内看到的交易所记录均为假,而且在上班时间会再次释放第二批 KYC 验证名单;

2.pi 币在美国多少钱一个?

答:Pi 币在全球一百七十多个国家进行,美国和中国一样,目前只有一些 Pi 发烧友自发的兑换测试流通,实际上并没有价格提示;

3.pi 币开盘预估价 ?


4.pi 币怎么才能通过 kyc 认证 ?

答:只要遵循设计方的游戏规则,也就是一机一号一真人,都会认证通过,设计方反复提到是要确保真人在参与 PI,另外不用担心护照问题,护照不是 KYC 的必选项目。

5.pi 币内转价格是多少?

答:参考回答 2,均为发烧友自发形成的行为,不代表市场流通值;

6.Pi 币大胆预测价格是多少?

答:2020 年开年第一天的热门百度关键词就是 138933 美元,感兴趣的可以百度搜索查看,这是迄今为止最大胆的预测;

7.pi 币怎么发展下线?

答:Pi 币没有下线,属性都是一样的,只是邀请和被邀请的关系,彼此增加算力,也就是挖矿的速度,仅此;

8.pi 币期货交易平台是哪些?

答:PI 币将创造数字货币历史上两个之最,即用户最多、pi 币总量最多。知名的交易所都在跟设计方沟通交流,目前全球没有一家数字货币交易所被授权和已经确定进行;



I believe that many Pi friends in the project team Christmas and the New Year's holiday anxiety waiting, there are many questions. Through data analysis, we sorted out 8 hot questions from Christmas day till now, and here we interpreted them one by one:

1. When will PI go to the exchange?

A: at present, there is no exchange on Pi, and the records of the exchanges seen in China are all false. The official team plans the main network on March 14, 2020. And a second batch of KYC verification lists will be released during business hours;

2. How much is a PI coin in America?

A: Pi COINS are sold in more than 170 countries around the world. The United States and China are the same. At present, only some Pi enthusiasts exchange and test the currency spontaneously.

3. Opening prevaluation of PI ?

A: it's hard to predict. At present, I don't know how many labeling robots need to be cleaned, and the number of users and total COINS are constantly changing.

4. How can PI be certified by kyc?

A: as long as the game rules of the designer are followed, that is, one machine, one person and one real person will be certified and passed. The designer repeatedly mentioned that it is necessary to ensure that the real person is participating in PI. In addition, there is no need to worry about the issue of passport, which is not a required item for KYC.

5. What is the internal transfer price of PI ?

Answer: reference answer 2, are the behavior that the fan forms spontaneously, do not represent market current value;

6. What's the price of Pi ?

A: the most popular keywords on baidu on the first day of the year are $138,933. If you are interested, you can search on baidu.

7. How to develop PI offline?

Answer: Pi coin is not off the line, the attributes are the same, just invited and invited relationship, each other to increase the calculation force, that is, the speed of mining, only;

8. What are the futures trading platforms for PI ?

A: PI COINS will create two records in the history of digital currency, namely, the largest number of users and the largest amount of PI COINS. Well-known exchanges are communicating with the designer. At present, no digital currency exchange in the world has been authorized or confirmed.


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