
Pi币快讯 Erica 2年前 (2021-12-29) 3012539次浏览 已收录 1个评论 扫描二维码

How the community can achieve continued growth and accessibility while addressing concerns about supply is one of the main factors considered in the design of the Mainnet token model. In addition, the undefined and unpredictable total supply makes it hard to have overall network token planning because the community as a collective and the ecosystem itself have needs to use some Pi for purposes that benefit the community and ecosystem as a whole, other than only mining rewards for individuals, as evidenced by almost every other blockchain network. Clear allocations for such collective community purposes need to be defined. Hence, given the current network size of over 30 million Pioneers and the expected volume of transactions and activities in the future, the Mainnet supply model has a clear maximum total supply of 100 billion Pi allowing incentivizations of continued growth and new contributions while removing the concerns about the unpredictability of the supply.

社区如何在解决供应问题的同时实现持续增长和可访问性,这是设计 Mainnet 令牌模型时考虑的主要因素之一。此外,不确定和不可预测的总供应量使得很难有整体的网络令牌规划,因为社区作为一个集体和生态系统本身需要使用一些 PI 来实现社区和生态系统作为一个整体受益的目的,而不是像几乎所有其他区块链网络所证明的那样,只为个人挖掘奖励。需要明确为此类集体社区目的分配资金。因此,考虑到目前先锋公司的网络规模超过 3000 万,以及未来预计的交易量和活动量,Mainnet Supply 模式明确的总供应量为 1000 亿 PI,允许激励持续增长和新的贡献,同时消除对供应不可预测性的担忧。

The supply distribution will honor the original distribution principle in the March 14, 2019 white paper—the Pi community has 80% and the Pi Core Team has 20% of the total circulating supply of Pi, regardless of how much circulating supply there is in the Pi Network at any given point in time. Thus, given a total max supply of 100 billion Pi, the community will eventually receive 80 billion Pi and the Core Team will eventually receive 20 billion Pi. The following pie chart depicts the overall distribution. The Core Team’s allocation gets unlocked at the same pace as the community progressively mines more and more Pi and may be subject to additional lockup through a self-imposed mandate. This means that if the community has a portion of its allocation in circulation (for example, 25%), only the proportional amount in Core Team’s allocation (in this example, 25%) can get unlocked at most.

货源分配将遵守 2019 年 3 月 14 日白皮书中的原始分配原则--PI 社区拥有 PI 总流通供应量的 80%,PI 核心团队拥有 20%的流通供应量,无论在任何给定时间点 PI 网络中有多少流通供应量。因此,假设总供应量为 1000 亿 PI,社区最终将获得 800 亿 PI,核心团队最终将获得 200 亿 PI下面的饼图描述了总体分布情况。核心团队的分配随着社区逐渐挖掘越来越多的 PI 而以相同的速度被解锁,并可能通过自我强加的命令受到额外的锁定。这意味着,如果社区有一部分分配在流通中(例如,25%),则最多只能解锁 Core Team 分配中的比例金额(在本例中为 25%)。

This distribution above shows that Pi Network does not have any allocation for ICO and is NOT running any type of crowdfunding sales of Pi. Thus, any impersonation of Pi Network or its founders to conduct a sale or listing is illegal, unauthorized and fake. These impersonators have no affiliation with Pi Core Team. Pioneers should beware of any scams and not participate. Pi can be mined freely by contributing to the ecosystem. Further, all mined Pi can only be claimed from inside the Pi App through the Mainnet dashboard and then transferred into your Pi wallet. Any website asking Pioneers to claim Pi in other means is fake.

上面的这一分布表明,Pi Network 没有任何 ICO 分配,也没有进行任何类型的 PI 众筹销售。因此,任何冒充 Pi Network 或其创始人进行销售或上市的行为都是非法、未经授权和虚假的。这些模仿者与 PI Core 团队没有任何关联。开拓者应该提防任何骗局,不要参与。PI 可以通过对生态系统的贡献而自由开采。此外,所有开采的 PI 只能通过 Mainnet 仪表板从 PI App 内部认领,然后转移到您的 PI 钱包中。任何要求先锋队以其他方式声称 PI 的网站都是假的。

The 80% of the community supply will be further divided into: 65% allocated for all past and future Pioneer mining rewards, 10% reserved for supporting community organization and ecosystem building that will eventually be managed by a Pi Foundation, a non-profit organization in the future, and 5% reserved for the liquidity pool to provide liquidity for Pioneers and developers in the Pi ecosystem. The following table depicts the community supply distribution:

社区供应的 80%将进一步划分为:65%分配给所有过去和未来的先锋采矿奖励,10%预留用于支持社区组织和生态系统建设,最终将由非营利性组织 Pi Foundation 管理,5%预留给流动资金池,为 Pi 生态系统中的 Pioneers 和开发商提供流动性。下表描述了社区用品的分布情况:



65 Billion Pi will be allocated for all mining rewards—both past and future mining. For past mining rewards, the rough sum of all Pi mined by all Pioneers so far (before Mainnet) is about 30 Billion Pi. However, after discarding Pi mined by fake accounts and depending on the speed and participation of KYC, the pre-Mainnet mined Pi at the beginning of the Open Network can be estimated to range from 10 to 20 Billion. The remaining amount in the 65 billion Pi supply for mining rewards will be distributed to Pioneers through the new Mainnet mining mechanism with conceptual yearly supply limits.

650 亿圆周率将分配给所有采矿奖励-包括过去和未来的采矿奖励。就过去的开采回报而言,到目前为止,所有先锋公司开采的所有 PI 的粗略总和(在 Mainnet 之前)约为 300 亿 PI。不过,剔除假账号挖出的 PI 后,根据 KYC 的速度和参与度,开网之初的 Pre-Mainnet 挖出的 PI 估计在 100 亿到 200 亿之间。用于采矿奖励的 650 亿圆周率供应中的剩余金额将通过新的 Mainnet 采矿机制分配给先锋公司,该机制具有概念性的年度供应限制。

Such yearly supply limits will be determined based on a declining formula. The yearly limit may be computed on a more granular basis such as by the day or by an even smaller time epoch dynamically, depending on factors such as the lockup ratio and the remaining supply of the network at the time. Such calculation of supply limits based on granular time epochs helps achieve a better and more smooth allocation curve through time. For the sake of simplicity here, let’s suppose that the time epoch is yearly. The declining formula would mean that the yearly supply limit for the first year of new Mainnet mining will be higher than for the second year, the second year’s higher than the third year’s, and so on. The yearly declining formula and these numbers will need to be finalized closer to the launch of the Open Network period of Mainnet once we will have seen how many Pioneers have KYC’ed and how much of their mined Pi they have transferred into Mainnet.

这样的年度供应限额将根据递减公式确定。根据诸如锁定比率和当时网络的剩余供应等因素,可以在更细粒度的基础上(例如按天)或者动态地通过更小的时间历元来计算年度限制。这种基于粒状时间历元的供应限制计算有助于实现更好、更平滑的时间分配曲线。为了简单起见,让我们假设时间纪元是一年。这个递减公式意味着,新 Mainnet 开采第一年的年供应限额将高于第二年,第二年高于第三年,以此类推。每年递减的公式和这些数字将需要在接近 Mainnet 开放网络时期推出时敲定,一旦我们看到有多少先锋已经 KYC‘和他们有多少被开采的 PI 转移到 Mainnet。

At Mainnet, Pioneers will be rewarded for their continued contributions to the growth and security of the network. As explained in the Mining section, Pioneer rewards will be further diversified because the network needs more diverse and in-depth contributions related to app usage, node operation, and Pi lockup. Pre-mainnet Pioneers will continue to contribute to Pi and mine from the Mainnet mining rewards, along with any new members joining the network, to ensure growth and longevity of the network.

在 Mainnet,先锋公司将获得奖励,以表彰他们为网络的发展和安全做出的持续贡献。正如挖掘部分所解释的,先锋奖励将进一步多样化,因为网络需要与 APP 使用、节点运营和 PI 锁定相关的更多样化和更深入的贡献。Mainnet 之前的先锋们将继续从 Mainnet 的采矿奖励中为 Pi 和 More 做出贡献,以及任何加入该网络的新成员,以确保网络的增长和寿命。

10 Billion Pi will be reserved for community organization and ecosystem building that will be, in the future, managed by a non-profit foundation. Most decentralized networks or cryptocurrencies, even though they are decentralized, still need an organization to organize the community and set the future direction of the ecosystem, e.g., Ethereum and Stellar. The future Pi foundation will (1) organize and sponsor community events, such as developer conventions, global online events and local community meetings, (2) organize volunteers and committee members, and pay full-time employees who are dedicated to building the community and ecosystem, (3) gather opinions and feedback from the community, (4) organize future community votings, (5) build branding and protect the reputation of the network, (6) represent the network to interact with other business entities including governments, traditional banks, and traditional enterprises, or (7) fulfill any number of responsibilities for the betterness of the Pi community and ecosystem. Further, in order to build a utilities-based Pi ecosystem, various community developer programs will be designed, created and carried out by the foundation to support community developers in the forms of grants, incubations, partnerships, etc.

将预留 100 亿 PI 用于社区组织和生态系统建设,未来将由一个非营利性基金会管理。大多数去中心化的网络或加密货币,即使它们是去中心化的,仍然需要一个组织来组织社区,并设定生态系统的未来方向,例如以太和恒星未来的 PI 基金会将(1)组织和赞助社区活动,如开发者大会、全球在线活动和当地社区会议,(2)组织志愿者和委员会成员,并向致力于建设社区和生态系统的全职员工支付报酬,(3)收集社区的意见和反馈,(4)组织未来的社区投票,(5)建立品牌和保护网络的声誉,(6)代表网络与其他商业实体(包括政府、传统银行和传统企业)互动,或(7)履行任何数量的贝塔责任。此外,为了建立以公用事业为基础的 PI 生态系统,基金会将设计、创建和实施各种社区开发者计划,以赠款、孵化、合作等形式支持社区开发者。


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