
Pi币快讯 Erica 3年前 (2021-06-11) 534346次浏览 534395 已收录 1个评论 扫描二维码

最新:Pi币新增开发者入口!通过pi浏览器即可参与第三方Pi应用测试We are releasing a new Developer Portal where community developers can get credentials to access Pi Platform APIs (will be released shortly) and get ready to create third-party Pi apps on the Pi Testnet. These Pi apps will be accessible from the developers’ own domains through the Pi Browser. This allows developers to build Mainnet-compatible apps and test with users before Pi Mainnet is live. Visit the Pi Developer on the Pi Browser.

我们发布了一个新的开发者门户,社区开发者可以在这里获得访问 Pi 平台 api 的凭证(不久将发布),并准备在 Pi 测试网上创建第三方 Pi 应用。开发者可以通过 Pi 浏览器从自己的域名访问这些应用程序。这使得开发者可以在 Pi Mainnet 上线之前构建与主网兼容的应用程序并与用户进行测试。通过 Pi 浏览器访问 Pi 开发人员。


Welcome to the Pi Developer Portal
Get your developer credentials here to create third-party Pi Apps – web-apps that can be accessed through the Pi Browser. By declaring your app’s URL here, your app will be able to access the Pi APIs and communicate with the Pi servers and the Pi Blockchain.

Your app will be accessible directly from your own URL through the Pi Browser. The Pi Core Team will select popular, useful and vetted apps to be listed in the .pi directory with a custom .pi domain through a separate process. However, you can put your app on any domain you want and still have a fully functional Pi app.

Currently, all APIs are hitting the Pi Testnet, so only Test-Pi will be involved. This will allow developers to build Mainnet-compatible apps and test with users before the Mainnet goes live.

The only requirement at this stage is that you own the domain of the URL that you provide! You will be asked to verify its ownership.

Regardless of your app’s progress, we encourage you to register your app here as soon as possible, so that we can invite you to the Developers-only chat rooms and resources that will be released shortly.

Create a new app below to get authorized and start building!

欢迎来到 Pi 开发者门户!在这里获得您的开发者证书来创建第三方 Pi 应用程序-可以通过 Pi 浏览器访问的 web 应用程序。通过在这里声明你的应用程序的 URL,你的应用程序将能够访问 Pi api,并与 Pi 服务器和 Pi 区块链通信。

你的应用程序将直接从你自己的 URL 通过 Pi 浏览器访问。Pi 核心团队将选择流行的、有用的和经过审查的应用程序,通过一个单独的过程列出在。Pi 目录下,并自定义。Pi 域。然而,你可以把你的应用程序放在任何你想要的域,仍然有一个功能齐全的 Pi 应用程序。

目前,所有 api 都到达了 Pi 测试网,所以只涉及 Test-Pi。这将允许开发者构建与主网兼容的应用程序,并在主网上线前与用户进行测试。

在这个阶段的唯一要求是您拥有您所提供的 URL 的域!您将被要求验证其所有权。




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  1. 现在看明白了,还真不错!
    飞哥2021-11-20 22:14 Linux | Chrome 72.0.3626.121