
Pi币快讯 Erica 4年前 (2021-04-24) 1445941次浏览 1445990 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码

We are answering selected questions submitted by the community about our new Pi Wallet! Watch the video here for the answers. To create your wallet, tap on the button above to start through the Pi Browser app.
Q: Is Pi Wallet a custodial or non-custodial wallet?
A: Pi Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, meaning only you have access to your Passphrase/Secret Key (of your wallet).

Q: When will the Pi Wallet have the real Pi inside?
A: (It will have it) When Pi Mainnet is live. We aim to launch the Mainnet by the end of this year.

Q: Can I recover or reset my Passphrase if I did not save or lost it?
A: No. Typically this is not possible for non-custodial wallets, since no one else has your passphrase. So, keep your Passphrase safe and do not share with others. The Core Team is also working on a potential new mechanism utilizing your security circles to help with account recovery while maintaining the wallet as (a fully) non-custodial (wallet).

Q: I forgot my Passphrase to the wallet I recently created. Is it possible to create another wallet?
A: Yes. Create another wallet for now and make sure that you keep your Passphrase safe next time. The wallets currently only connect to the Testnet, only containing Test-Pi for testing, thus no real loss for you. But after the Mainnet, losing the Passphrase to your wallet with real Pi cannot be cured by creating another wallet like now and will result in you losing access to all the Pi in that wallet forever.

Q: I accidentally shared my passphrase with others. What should I do?
A: You should create a new wallet with a new passphrase and stop using the compromised one immediately. Since we are in the testing phase right now, it’s ok to create a new wallet. In the Mainnet phase you should immediately create a new wallet and transfer all your Pi to that new wallet, before others do.

Q: Does the Pi Wallet provide a custodial option, storing the Passphrase for Pioneers in the app? If not, will the Pi Wallet have a custodial option in the future?
A: Not for now. However, we may develop an optional custodial wallet in the future only if enough Pioneers show interest in this feature. So please let us know if you want to see that happening.

Q: Can I use other wallets?
A: Yes. Pi Testnet and Mainnet is and will be a public blockchain, thus any wallet compatible with the blockchain can work. Pi is fully accessible not only in your Pi Wallet but also any other Pi compatible wallet. However, the official Pi wallet is where you will get your mainnet Pi when we launch.

Q: Is the Pi Wallet following standards or did we make up our own?
A: It is based on the BIP39 and BIP44 standards. In general, there is a rule in cryptography stating that you should not make up your “own” crypto and should only use widely-accepted, peer-reviewed algorithms and standards.

Q: Why are there transaction fees?
A: Transaction fees (i) avoid spamming the blockchain with useless transactions and (ii) allow for transaction ordering during times of network congestion.

Q: How much is the transaction fee?
A: The current transaction fee on the Testnet is 0.01 Test-π. When you set a higher fee for your transaction, you still pay only 0.01, unless there is congestion, in which case transactions with higher fees are executed before transactions with lower fees.

Q: Where do transaction fees go and what are they used for?
A: All fees are currently simply getting burnt, by being accumulated in an inaccessible pool of burnt Pi. But in the future, fees could be used for mining rewards instead of minting new currency, or other purposes for the benefit of the community.

Q: Will passphrases stay the same after the launch of the Mainnet?
A: For your convenience, we aim for wallet passphrases to stay the same so that people don’t have to create them twice. So we urge you to get Mainnet-ready and create your wallets now. However there is a chance, for technical improvement reasons, we may have to ask you to reset your passphrases before Mainnet.

Q: Will my wallet address be the same on the Mainnet and Testnet?
A: This has not been decided yet. Technically either way is possible, but we need to consider the pros and cons.




问:什么时候 Pi钱包里会有真正的 Pi ?

答:(会有的)当 Pi 主网上线时。我们的目标是在今年年底推出主网。




是的。现在再创建一个钱包,下次确保你的密码短语安全。钱包目前只连接到 Testnet,只包含 Test-Pi 用于测试,因此对您来说没有真正的损失。但在主网之后,丢失密码短语到你的钱包与真正的 Pi 不能通过创建另一个钱包像现在,将导致你失去访问所有的 Pi 在那个钱包永远。


答:你应该创建一个新的钱包和一个新的密码短语,并立即停止使用那个被盗用的。因为我们现在正处于测试阶段,所以可以创建一个新的钱包。在主网阶段,你应该立即创建一个新的钱包,并在其他人之前将你所有的 Pi 转移到这个新钱包。

问:Pi 钱包是否提供保管选项,在应用程序中存储先驱者密码?如果没有,派钱包将来会有托管选项吗?



是的。Pi 测试网和主网现在和将来都是一个公共区块链,因此任何与区块链兼容的钱包都可以工作。Pi 是完全可访问的,不仅在您的 Pi 钱包,而且任何其他的 Pi 兼容的钱包。然而,当我们发布时,你将在官方的 Pi 钱包中获得你的主网 Pi。

问:Pi 钱包是遵循标准的,还是我们自己设计的?

答:它是基于 BIP39 和 BIP44 标准。一般来说,密码学中有一条规则,即您不应该创建“自己的”密码,而应该只使用被广泛接受的、同行评审的算法和标准。




答:目前测试网的交易费用是 0.01 Test-π。当你为你的交易设置一个更高的费用,你仍然只需要支付 0.01,除非有拥塞,在这种情况下,高费用的交易在低费用的交易之前执行。


答:目前所有的费用都被烧了,堆积在一个难以到达的烧 Pi 池中。但在未来,这些费用可以用于采矿奖励,而不是铸造新货币,或用于其他造福社区的目的。


A:为了您的方便,我们的目的是让钱包密码保持不变,这样人们就不必创建它们两次。因此,我们敦促您准备好 mainnet,现在就创建您的钱包。然而,有一个机会,由于技术改进的原因,我们可能不得不要求您重置您的密码前主网。





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