
Pi币快讯 Erica 4年前 (2021-03-03) 154936次浏览 154985 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码


I just want to give a quick update on how things are going. We are currently working on scaling up the faucet. The current faucet is working fine for a small number of people but it is designed very simply and it only submits up to 1 transaction per block to the blockchain. We are currently working on improving the faucet by a factor of 1000x to allow multiple people getting their wallets funded with test-Pi at the same time. That's the main reason we have not released the wallet to all of the nodes yet.

Would you like us to wait a few more days until we scale up the faucet and release it to all nodes at once or start releasing the wallet to some nodes on a rolling basis, knowing that you may have to re-try a few times getting the faucet to give you some test-pi?

我只想快速了解事情的进展。我们目前正在努力扩大水龙头的尺寸。当前的水龙头对少数人来说效果很好,但是它的设计非常简单,每个区块最多只能向区块链提交 1 笔交易。我们目前正在努力将水龙头提高 1000 倍,以允许多个人同时使用 test-Pi为他们的钱包注资。这是我们尚未将钱包释放到所有节点的主要原因。


注解:水龙头(faucet) 是提供少量、免费的新型加密货币的网站或应用程序,以帮助提高人们持有加密货币的意识。比特币水龙头是一种全新的免费获取比特币的体验站点,此类网站在国外十分流行,只需要输入简单的验证码,就可以在固定的时间段免费获得一定比例比特币。


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