Testet is not full, there is space to join if you like. There are over 7.5K functioning nodes running the blockchain as we speak.
Pi测试网 Testet 节点没有满员,如果你喜欢,还有空间加入。在我们说话的时候,有超过 7500 个的运作节点在运行区块链。
the Pi Network is like a digital nation, occasional celebrations and rituals are necessary too. Plus they are fun. For example, the (F)irst (F)riday of (F)ebruary each year is mod appreciation day, and March 14 (3/14) is Pi day. Having said this, rest assured that we are heavily focused in building all the necessary infrastructure for the Testnet and Mainnet.
Pi网络就像一个数字国家,偶尔的庆祝和仪式也是必要的。而且他们很有趣。例如,每年二月的第一个星期五是 Mod(管理员)日,三月十四日(3/14)是Pi日。话虽如此,请放心,我们非常专注于为 Testnet(测试网)和 Mainnet(主网)构建所有必要的基础设施。
When we get into mainnet people don’t have to use this app anymore as they can access the blockchain directly however they want. Of course this app will continue to exist and will offer a wallet and an entry point to pi utilities. But it will not be mandatory as they will be able to use other wallets too.
当我们进入主网时,人们不再需要使用Pi应用程序,因为他们可以根据需要直接访问区块链。当然,Pi 应用程序将继续存在,并将 Pi 实用程序提供一个钱包和一个入口点。但这不是强制性的,因为他们也可以使用其他钱包。