@petesmith1216 We are still aiming to launch the Mainnet by the end of the year. At Mainnet people will be able to have P2P transactions. Before Mainnet people can try transactions on the Testnet, using “test-Pi”.
我们仍打算在年底之前启动 Mainnet 主网。在主网 Mainnet,人们将能够进行 P2P 交易。在 Mainnet 主网上,人们可以使用“ test-Pi”在 Testnet 上尝试事务。
@arjunvuppa We will add people by the end of the week for sure.
the mods are currently playing with the test pi on testnet, and soon all the nodes will be doing that as well. If you want to try it out install the node on a pc or mac.
当前所有 mod(管理员)都在 testnet 测试网上测试 pi,不久所有节点也将这样做。如果要尝试,请在 PC 或 Mac 上安装该节点。
@weixiaoxiangdui The test version of the wallet is technically ready and currently used by moderators. But we are improving the UI based on feedback from the moderators. We actually deployed 3 versions so far. Latest release was deployed today, and added a transaction history functionality.
钱包的测试版在技术上已经做好准备,目前正在由版主使用。但是我们正在根据版主的反馈改进 UI。到目前为止,我们实际上部署了 3 个版本。最新版本今天已经部署,并增加了事务历史记录功能。

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- 现在是信息时代,信息传播很快,虚拟货币市场发展很快,如果pi不加快发展,不解决总量问题,kyc问题,上主网问题,特别是总量问题,因为单价也很重要,可能就会失败