今日 Pi 节点再次大量开启容器节点测试名额,同时也针对 Pi 节点的一些问题,Pi 项目方尼古拉斯做了一些答疑解惑。
@davidedward10290505 This is a peer to peer distributed system. Peers can connect to others even if they can’t help others connect to them. When your incoming ports are closed, your outgoing ports are open. Everyone’s outgoing ports are always open otherwise they are not connected to the internet. For example when you talk to a web server on port 80 or 443, your own port 80 or 443 can be closed and is closed the majority of the times.
这是一个点对点分布式系统。同伴可以与他人建立联系,即使他们不能帮助他人与他们建立联系。当你的输入端口关闭时,你的输出端口就打开了。每个人的出口端口总是开放的,否则他们没有连接到互联网。例如,当您在端口 80 或 443 上与 web 服务器通信时,可以关闭您自己的端口 80 或 443,并且大多数时候都是关闭的。
The “supporting other nodes” is defined as “incoming connections > 0”
“支持其他节点”定义为“传入连接> 0”
The less frequently your computer changes IP address the more known it becomes in the network and more other nodes connect to it. Every time your IP changes you start from scratch.
您的计算机修改 IP 地址的频率越低,它在网络中的知名度就越高,与它连接的其他节点也就越多。每次你的 IP 改变,你都要从头开始。
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