
Pi币快讯 Erica 4年前 (2020-11-27) 147860次浏览 147909 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码
关于Pi 钱包
问:@nicolas Loopring has developed the smart contract wallet without mnemonics and private keys, which is much simpler than traditional wallets! you can  study Loopring’s design principles.
@nicolas Loopring 开发了不带助记符和私钥的智能合同钱包,比传统钱包简单多了!你可以学习环的设计原理。
答:@caifu1311 Thanks for providing the pointer. Yes, we’d like Pi’s wallet to also be non-custodial and simple to use. We will provide an initial wallet to be used for the initial allocation of Pi, and then anyone can also build their own wallets atop the Pi blockchain.
关于 KYC
问:My daughter over 13 yrs is  mining pi from iPad , can I make passport for her to do kYC? 
我 13 岁的女儿正在用 iPad 挖 pi,我可以帮她制作护照做 kYC 吗?
答:@pathibhara07 Yes. Passport is the easiest way to KYC as most passports are compatible internationally and all KYC providers support passports that follow the international standards. 
是的。护照是实现 KYC 最简单的方式,因为大多数护照都是国际兼容的,而且所有 KYC 提供商都支持遵循国际标准的护照。
问:I think I have been mining for hundreds sessions. And maybe that kyc slot would come to me soon, the thing is,bi got no passport, passport the easiest way yeah i agree, so i have attain my passport in this winter vacation
我想我已经挖了几百次了。也许 kyc 插槽很快就会到来,问题是,我没有护照,护照是最简单的方法是的,我同意,所以我在这个寒假拿到了我的护照
答:@yanke66627 If you have been mining for hundreds of sessions then it is only a matter of time to get selected for KYC I think. The algorithm allocates higher probability to older pioneers. 
如果你已经开采了数百个 Pi,那么我认为被选中参加 KYC 只是时间问题。该算法将较高的概率分配给较年长的先锋者。
结合两天前尼古拉斯的发言:“但我们将更多的概率分配给了拥有数百个采矿会话的人,而不是那些拥有数十个采矿会话的人。如果你的挖掘少于 90 次,被选中的概率目前是 0,但我们不断调整算法的标准,所以这可能随时改变(每周 2-3 次,有时更频繁)。”


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