
Pi币快讯 Erica 4年前 (2020-11-17) 836818次浏览 836867 已收录 6个评论 扫描二维码

One chance to fix name(划重点讲解在底部)

As communicated multiple times previously, we will offer one chance for Pioneers to correct their names on their accounts before the Mainnet. Due to the Pi Network policy of one account per person and the high importance of humanness of the network, Pioneers will only be able to claim their Pi on the Mainnet if they pass KYC, and the name on their Pi account and the name of their KYC must match. Thus, having correct and accurate names on your Pi account is of utmost importance.
We’ve received many requests from real pioneers to correct their names over the past year and half. Some Pioneers did not enter correctly-spelled names during the signup process. It’s understandable that many people did not want to share their real correct official names when they first got to know Pi. In addition to the new-user mentality, there are also usual discrepancies such as middle names, maiden names, or names used in daily life versus names in identity documentation. Also, some KYC processes in some regions only contain native-language names, such as using a National ID card, whereas the name in Pi accounts may be in English only. So in order to ensure complete matching to the name from KYC, many Pioneers need to update the name. To further ensure the match, the Core Team designed the name update process to include entering your middle names or maiden names that were omitted in the signup process for simplicity. The name update process also provides the option to enter names in respective languages, when applicable.
This is the only chance for all existing Pioneers to correct their names, and also this option has a short time limitation. The option just becomes available today for a limited time. Each existing Pioneer will have this option available for only 3 days after their next visit to the app. Once submitted, this option will no longer be available. The reason for such a short time window is to prevent bad actors or fake accounts from being able to be exchanged or sold to other human beings. Once the time expires, all existing accounts will be locked in whatever names they have, and if the future KYC of these accounts cannot match the names of the accounts, then the Pi mined in such accounts will not be migrated to the Mainnet. We understand the time pressure of this feature, but please understand the necessity of such a short time limit to ensure the health of the network and prevent unfairly mined Pi by fake accounts from getting onto the Mainnet. We also encourage all Pioneers who know about this feature and its time limit to urge your earning team members and security circle members to confirm their names are correct or make any necessary changes.
For any new accounts created going forward, they will have a window of 2 weeks after signup to make name corrections once, hence they will not be offered a pan-network chance again to update their names. The individual name-correcting windows for any newly created accounts will not incur risk for fake accounts to be sold because these newly created accounts will barely have any Pi mined to be worth being sold.
We want to emphasize here further that sales of Pi or Pi accounts for other fiat or crypto currencies are explicitly prohibited in Pi Network’s terms of service. This behavior violates Pi’s policy and harms the health of the ecosystem. Any such violation if reported or discovered will lead to the freezing of the account and the loss of all Pi mined in such accounts. We urge every Pioneer to stay away from selling or buying any Pi accounts.
All name data collected through the name correction and update process will be used to verify Pioneer’s identity and to match with the KYC data to determine if a Pioneer is a real human being and ensure the humanness of the network.
In the name update, we also added the option for Pioneers to enter their email address. This is meant to address any account recovery issues over the years, due to the loss of password, change of a phone number, or a Facebook-disabled account. Adding an email address provides Pioneers an additional way to prove their ownership of their Pi accounts or to recover their account if other signin methods are lost. It also provides us one way to inform you of major network events, e.g. the launch of the Mainnet or the creation of an address on the Pi blockchain, in case at the time you are no longer very active on the app. The email address you enter right now will need to be verified in the future, e.g. sending you a verification email and link, but for now you only need to enter it to associate it with your Pi account.
由于每人一个帐户的π网络政策网络的高人性的重要性,先锋只能索赔πMainnet 如果他们通过什么水平,和这个名字π账户和 KYC 的名称必须匹配。因此,在你的 Pi 账户上有正确和准确的名字是最重要的。
除了新用户心态之外,还有一些常见的差异,如中间姓名、婚前姓名或日常生活中使用的姓名与身份证明文件中的姓名。此外,在某些地区的一些 KYC 进程只包含母语名称,例如使用国家身份证,而 Pi 帐户中的名称可能只使用英语。
因此,为了确保与 KYC 中的名称完全匹配,许多拓荒者需要更新名称。为了进一步确保匹配,核心团队设计了名称更新过程,包括在注册过程中省略的中间名或婚前名。名称更新过程还提供了在适用的情况下以相应语言输入名称的选项。这是所有现有的先驱者纠正其姓名的唯一机会,而且这个选项有一个短时间限制。这个选项今天才在有限的时间内可用。每个现有的先锋用户在下次访问该应用程序后只能使用该选项 3 天。一旦提交,该选项将不再可用。之所以这么短的时间窗口,是为了防止坏人或虚假账户被交换或出售给其他人。一旦时间过期,所有现有的帐户将被锁定,无论他们拥有什么名称,如果这些帐户的未来 KYC 不能匹配帐户的名称,那么在这些帐户中挖掘的 Pi 将不会迁移到主板。我们理解这个功能的时间压力,但请理解如此短的时间限制的必要性,以确保网络的健康和防止不公平地挖掘 Pi 由虚假帐户进入主网络。我们也鼓励所有了解此功能及其时间限制的先驱敦促您的收入团队成员和安全圈成员确认他们的名字是正确的或做任何必要的更改。对于任何未来创建的新账户,他们在注册后将有 2 周的时间进行一次改名换姓,因此他们将不会再获得一次泛网络更新他们名字的机会。任何新创建的账户的个人名称修正窗口都不会导致虚假账户被出售的风险,因为这些新创建的账户几乎没有值得出售的 Pi。
我们想在这里进一步强调,Pi 网络的服务条款明确禁止销售 Pi 或 Pi 账户的其他法定或加密货币。这种行为违反了 Pi 的政策,损害了生态系统的健康。
如有任何此类违规行为被报告或发现,将导致冻结该帐户,并损失该帐户中开采的所有 Pi。我们敦促每一个先锋远离销售或购买任何 Pi 帐户。
通过改名更新过程收集到的所有姓名数据将用于验证先锋的身份,并与 KYC 数据进行匹配,以确定先锋是否为真人,确保网络的人性化。在名称更新中,我们还为拓荒者添加了输入电子邮件地址的选项。这是为了解决多年来由于密码丢失、电话号码更改或 facebook 禁用而导致的账户恢复问题。添加一个电子邮件地址可以为拓荒者提供一种额外的方式来证明他们的 Pi 账户的所有权,或者在其他登录方式丢失的情况下恢复他们的账户。也给我们提供了一种方法告诉你主要的网络事件,如 Mainnet 发布或创建一个地址在π区块链,如果当时你不再应用非常活跃。您输入的电子邮件地址现在需要验证在未来,例如发送你一个确认邮件和链接,但是现在你只需要输入将它与你的π账户。
Pi币唯一一次修改名字的机会来了!中文修改和更新教程来了 Pi币唯一一次修改名字的机会来了!中文修改和更新教程来了 Pi币唯一一次修改名字的机会来了!中文修改和更新教程来了 Pi币唯一一次修改名字的机会来了!中文修改和更新教程来了 Pi币唯一一次修改名字的机会来了!中文修改和更新教程来了 Pi币唯一一次修改名字的机会来了!中文修改和更新教程来了 Pi币唯一一次修改名字的机会来了!中文修改和更新教程来了
1.只有 3 天时间修改:
2.唯一一次修改机会,请谨慎对待,中文区用户一定看注意第 4 步;
3.禁止非法销售 Pi 账户,别侥幸心理;



问题:如果一个人在 KYC 之后更改了法定姓名,将会怎样?






问题:如果一个人在 KYC 之后更改了法定姓名,将会怎样?








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  1. 一不小心把所有的名字都写成英文了 没写中文名 咋办呀?
    OrOlOr2020-11-17 20:20 Linux | Chrome 83.0.4103.106
  2. 审核名的时候都写成中文怎么办?
    罗非鱼2020-11-17 23:17 Mac OS X | UC浏览器 UCBrowser
  3. 有群吗,能拉我一个吗?谢谢了
    KUSO2020-11-20 16:51 Windows 7 | Chrome 69.0.3947.100
  4. 什么时候可以修改名字
    王家2021-10-03 22:13 Linux | Chrome 87.0.4280.141