
Pi币快讯 Erica 4年前 (2020-11-10) 261774次浏览 261823 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码
英文区管理员透露:Pi币10万个免费的KYC名额将参与到生态系统中@Phonghoa We are sending invitations to Pioneers to fill 100,000 free KYC slots over the next few months. On a daily basis, our system will automatically select Pioneers based on their past and future potential contributions to Pi, including Node, Platform, community and engagement etc. We generally do not make manual selection for KYC through email requests. We have over 9 million engaged Pioneers, but only 100,000 free slots for the initial batch of Pioneers who have contributed and will contribute to Pi’s economic ecosystem over the next few months. If you think you should belong to the initial batch, please be patient for our system to automatically select you for the remaining slots of the 100,000 over the next few months. More slots may be available in future, so be patient and do not worry.
Currently, Pi KYC is conducted by a third-party KYC provider, and the required documents for many countries are limited to only passports. We recognize and hear that obtaining passports is difficult for some Pioneers, and we hope to develop a decentralized, reliable, low- to no-cost KYC process customized for the Pi community in the future that does not necessarily require passports. The ultimate goal is to enable every Pioneer in the network to pass KYC or prove their humanness eventually for the Mainnet. Best regards 
我们正在向 Pi 用户发出邀请,在未来几个月将实现 10 万个免费的 KYC 名额。每天,我们的系统会根据 Pi 先锋过去和未来对 Pi 的贡献,包括节点、平台、社区和参与等,自动选择 Pi 先锋。
我们一般不会通过电子邮件请求手动选择 KYC。
目前,我们有超过 900 万参与的活跃 Pi 用户,但是只有 10 万首批用户在接下来的几个月里参与到 Pi 的经济生态测试系统中
如果你认为你应该属于第一批参与测试的用户,请耐心等待我们的系统在接下来的几个月自动选择你加入 10 万名额中。
未来可能会有更多的 KYC 实名认证可用,所以耐心点,不要担心。
目前,Pi 的 KYC 是由第三方 KYC 提供商进行的,许多国家认证所需的文件仅限于护照。我们认识到并听说,对于一些 Pi 用户来说,获取护照是困难的。
我们希望在未来为 Pi 社区开发一种分散的、可靠的、低成本甚至免费的 KYC 流程,这种流程不一定需要护照
最终的目标是使网络中的每一个 Pi 用户都能通过 KYC,或者最终证明他们在主网之前是真人。


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