
专栏 Colin 4年前 (2020-10-26) 299763次浏览 299812 已收录 3个评论 扫描二维码


从 10 月 15 日开始,Pi 公约大会如火如荼的在讨论和进行中,其中的一个视频有来自中国的先锋Linda,她的观点和想法收到很多 Pi 用户的关注,那么今天有幸邀请到Linda,一起聊聊她眼中的 pi.


Colin:欢迎中国区先锋Linda,你怎么想着去给 Pi 项目方提交视频发表个人观点了?

Linda:参与项目方的提问,帮项目方提供有效建议,是作为一名 Pi 先锋应该做的事,只有把 pi 做大 ,我们每个参与的人才能最大化的收获 Pi。


Linda:我感到自己非常幸运,能够被项目方选中。我觉得自己的想法可能不太全面,既然项目方选择公布我的视频,我有这个热度,那么我要为 pi 积极布道传递正能量,站在尽可能客观公正的角度发声。项目方能认可我的想法,我会很开心,希望以后能为中国区 Pi 友多提供一些客观正确的信息。


Linda:我只是简单的分析了一下项目方的 4 个问题—临时委员会的挑选,1000 万矿工停产减产,还有 pi 和传统行业的合作,同区块链的合作。临时委员会成员评选,我主要是向项目方传达的是成员要对 pi 有正确的认识和了解,成员行事要以 pi 的发展为前提挑选尽量要站在民主公平的角度,要进行换选制度,促进新鲜血液;停产减产问题,我主要为项目方长远角度考虑应该适当的减产,原因是未来的用途会非常多;对于传统行业和区块链的合作,我向项目方表达的是支付方法尽量简单,和其他区块链合作也是,但一定要是运行在主网上的区块链项目。主要是对 pi 有很好的推动效果,和互助效果。


我在视频中的原文是:嗨,我亲爱的三位博士,我是中国的先锋,琳达。很高兴回答关于我的三个观点。它们如下。第一点,我觉得 Pi 的初衷是服务更多的人,加上白皮书上的生命周期释放机制。从 4 个方面看,1000 万暂停开采,pi 远不足以支撑生态群落超大规模的交易循环。在未来,人们不仅会将 Pi 用于交易,还会具有存储和增值的属性,比如财务管理,以及在银行存款,这将更加安全和有价值。如果这样,Pi 可循环的数量会越来越少,为长远考虑。建议暂时将停止生产的目标定在 1 亿用户。在此过程中,通过生态和循环的方式,可以获得用户总数的综合价值和 PI 的数量。第三,新先锋的热情是不可剥夺的。老先锋的疲惫是正常现象,需要的是的实际贡献者,pinetwork 坚定追随者,而不是好看的的注册用户的数据数量。(二八定律,可能只有 20%的人)第四,项目方的目标非常大,需要分步实施。技术和生态完全准备好需要足够的时间。最后,一旦停止开采,我们必须上主网,以确保正流通的圆周率,货币价格应该波动和上升,以满足先锋的心理预期。如果我们减产我认为最重要的措施是安抚先驱者,例如与大公司建立战略伙伴关系,公布 pi 基本的官方释放时间表等等,给先驱者一个期待已久的承诺的兑现,以及除了点亮之外还能做些什么。

第二点,我认为临时委员会的成员应该对 Pi 的整体布局和未来的发展方向有一个正确的认识。不应该基于个人的思想和利益,而应该是 Pi 的整体思想的发展和全局规划。在对 Pi 理解、规划和可执行的措施上,应以视频的形式给出选举投票方法。社区将根据相应自己的社区负责人或斯坦福核心团队进行评估。任期为三年,之后将重新评估。原因是它促进了新鲜血液,更加民主和公平。

第三点,Pi 与传统产业的合作需要支付的便利性和价值的稳定性,以及其他主流货币无法替代的特征,如快速的转移速度和完全的落地生态应用。由于圆周率未来需要用法定货币交易,所以不可能有面临与法定货币的冲突。建议项目方为圆周率和法定货币兑换准备一个分散的交易平台,使其更加公平和可操作。Pi 的价值可以通过外部广告的形式在 Pi 内建立“落地生态”的应用来体现。项目方应努力和各大手机、电脑和汽车公司达成战略合作使用 Pi 支付。仅仅依靠先驱者的共识力量和交易是远远不够的。

Colin:视频公布之后,你本人受到影响了吗?例如来自 Pi 矿工的意见和交流?

Linda:当然有影响,有人支持有人贬,不过我觉得只要自己不忘初心 别人的评价其实并不太重要。也许有很多不同想法的 pi 友,但是都是表达个人想法和建议吧。还是希望大家能正确的站在 pi 初衷和未来发展的角度上考虑问题。

Colin:说的好,保持初心即可,那么未来你对 Pi 有什么期待?你自己会有什么计划呢?

Linda:希望 Pi 早日上主网,不要让笑话我的人笑太久。我本人英语专业的,我想好好锻炼自己的口语,有朝一日如果 pi 需要我,我所学的英语,传播学等知识能够派上用场,当然我也会抽出时间来学习金融和技术相关知识。我相信一句话,你有多大价值,你就能挣多少钱,我希望未来很有钱,pi 很贵。通过 pi 获得成功肯定是每个先锋的想法,但更期待的是 pi 对未来金融体系的改变。让更多的人能体会到 pi 区块链,给社会生活带来的好处!




Starting from October 15th, the Pi Convention Conference is in full swing and is under discussion. One of the videos includes the pioneer Linda from China. Her views and ideas have received the attention of many Pi users, so today I have the honor to invite Linda to join us. Talk about the pi in her eyes.

Colin: Hello Linda, how do you want to submit a video to the Pi project to express your personal opinion?

Linda: The problem of participating in the project, helping the project to provide effective advice, is what you should do as a Pi pioneer. Only by making pi bigger, each of us can maximize Pi.

Colin: Yes, so do you have any thoughts on the project's announcement of your video?

Linda: I feel very lucky to be selected by the project team. I think my ideas may not be comprehensive. Since the project team chose to release my video and I have this enthusiasm, then I have to actively preach positive energy for pi, and I will be very happy to stand on the project to recognize my ideas. Hope to provide some objective and correct information for Pi Friends in China in the future.

Colin: The idea is very good, so can you briefly explain the ideas and opinions mentioned in your video to netizens?

Linda: I just briefly analyzed the four issues of the project party-the selection of the temporary committee, the suspension of production by 10 million miners, and the cooperation between pi and traditional industries and the cooperation with the blockchain. For the selection of members of the interim committee, I mainly conveyed to the project that members should have a correct understanding and understanding of pi, and that members should be selected based on the development of pi as far as possible from the perspective of democracy and fairness, and a replacement system should be implemented. Promote fresh blood; for the issue of stopping production and reducing production, I mainly consider the appropriate reduction of production for the long-term perspective of the project party, because there will be many future uses; for the cooperation between traditional industries and blockchain, I expressed to the project party that the payment method should be as much as possible It's simple, and it's also possible to cooperate with other blockchains, but it must be a blockchain project running on the mainnet. Mainly it has a good effect on pi and mutual assistance.

My original text in the video is: Hi, my dear three PhDs, I am a pioneer in China, Linda. I am happy to answer three points about me. They are as follows. First, I think Pi's original intention is to serve more people, plus the life cycle release mechanism in the white paper. From four perspectives, 10 million suspended mining, pi is far from enough to support the ecological community's ultra-large-scale trading cycle. In the future, people will not only use Pi for transactions, but also have storage and value-added attributes, such as financial management, and deposits in banks, which will be more secure and valuable. If so, the number of Pi circulates will become less and less, for long-term considerations. It is recommended to temporarily stop production at 100 million users. In this process, through ecological and circular methods, the comprehensive value of the total number of users and the number of PIs can be obtained. Third, the enthusiasm of the new pioneer is inalienable. The exhaustion of the old pioneers is a normal phenomenon. What is needed is actual contributors, pinetwork's firm followers, not the number of good-looking registered users. (The 28th law, maybe only 20% of people) Fourth, the project team’s goals are very large and need to be implemented step by step. It takes enough time for the technology and ecology to be fully prepared. Finally, once mining is stopped, we must go to the main network to ensure a positive circulation of pi, and currency prices should fluctuate and rise to meet Pioneer’s psychological expectations. If we reduce production, I think the most important measure is to appease the pioneers, such as establishing strategic partnerships with large companies, publishing the basic official release schedule of pi, etc., giving the pioneers a long-awaited fulfillment of the promise, and in addition to lighting What else can be done.

The second point is that I think the members of the interim committee should have a correct understanding of Pi's overall layout and future development direction. It should not be based on personal thoughts and interests, but should be Pi's overall thought development and overall planning. In terms of measures to understand, plan, and implement Pi, the election voting method should be given in the form of video. The community will be evaluated based on the corresponding community leader or Stanford core team. The term of office is three years, after which it will be reassessed. The reason is that it promotes fresh blood, more democracy and fairness.

The third point is that Pi’s cooperation with traditional industries requires convenience of payment and stability of value, as well as features that cannot be replaced by other mainstream currencies, such as rapid transfer speed and complete ecological applications. Since Pi needs fiat currency transactions in the future, it is impossible to face a conflict with fiat currency. It is recommended that the project party prepare a decentralized trading platform for pi and legal currency exchange to make it more fair and operable. The value of Pi can be reflected in the establishment of "landing ecology" applications in Pi in the form of external advertising. The project party should strive to reach strategic cooperation with major mobile phone, computer and automobile companies to use Pi payment. It is not enough to rely solely on the consensus strength and transactions of the pioneers.

Colin: After the video was released, have you personally been affected? For example, opinions and exchanges from Pi miners?

Linda: Of course it is influential. Some people support and depreciate, but I think that as long as I don't forget my original intention, the evaluation of others is not really important. There may be many pi friends with different ideas, but they are all expressing personal ideas and suggestions. I still hope that everyone can correctly consider the problem from the perspective of pi's original intention and future development.

Colin: Well said, just keep your original intention, then what are your expectations for Pi in the future? What are your plans?

Linda: I hope Pi can be listed on the mainnet soon . I am an English major, and I want to exercise my oral English. If pi needs me one day, my knowledge of English, communication and other things can come in handy. Of course, I will also take time to learn about finance and technology. I believe in one sentence, how much you have, how much money you can earn, I hope that the future will be rich and pi will be very expensive. Success through pi is definitely the idea of every pioneer, but what is more anticipated is the change of pi to the future financial system. Let more people experience the benefits of pi blockchain to social life!


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  1. 一亿停产,确定能不要50年,以1000万算,有什么点一下能让剩下的9000万用户加入和1000万用户坚持点下去?
    区猫2020-10-26 18:01 Linux | Chrome 77.0.3865.120
  2. 不停产和法币有何分别?一亿人再停产再上主网你认为还会有人等吗?一亿人我算它平均每人1千亿个币就算共识再强币价也高不到哪去!
    2333332020-10-26 20:14 Mac OS X | Safari浏览器 604.1
  3. 就这还是先锋,自己都没搞明白。1亿上不上主网,什么时候能上,你想过没有。
    2020-10-27 06:44 Linux | Chrome 68.0.3440.106