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The 1st Pi Convention is coming in Q3! We are looking for community thinkers&builders interested in building Pi Network together to present their ideas,Want to speak at the Pi Convention?Read more and tap above to apply.

翻译: 第一届公约大会将在第三季度举行,我们正在寻找对建立Pi网络感兴趣的社群先驱,以表达他们的想法,想在Pi大会上发言吗?

Apply to Speak at Pi Convention

Two Speaker tracks

We are looking for speakers from different regions of the Pi community in two tracks: community track and developer track.

  1. Community Track is for speakers to present innovative ideas about how their regional community can be organized so that voices, ideas and talents of the Pioneers in their regions can be surfaced.
  2. Developer Track speakers are to present apps they are building or want to build on Pi, and how their app will integrate Pi to build the larger Pi ecosystem.

Speaker sessions

Depending on the language and content in the presentation, all speaker submissions of this application will be considered for two types of sessions:

  1. Global Session: English Speakers with presentation content applicable to the global community will have the opportunity to be considered for addressing the global audience of Pi Network.
  2. Regional Session: Speakers in native languages with presentation content more relevant to the regional community will be considered for the Regional Sessions in the Pi Convention. This is a great way to help highlight community builders & development in each region.

Speaker Guidelines

  • Speakers must not be self-promotional, but should be educational. Your presentation or talk should focus on an idea, solution, method, approach, analysis or design, rather than a specific brand, name or service. You can demo your product interface and service designs as supporting materials to explain the above. However, the representation or talk must show how such ideas, solutions and designs etc. contribute to the Pi Network ecosystem.
  • Speakers’ presentations are not the channel to submit requests or questions. If you pose a question about Pi Network in your talk, we expect you to present a potential solution to that question during the same talk. Questions and requests can be sent and heard through a different format of participation in the convention, but not through speakers’ presentations.
  • Mention of sponsors or third-party promotions are NOT allowed in talks.
  • Each presentation and talk should be submitted only once. Spamming submissions will not lead to a higher chance of selection.

Speaking Format

  • Talk length can be between 15 and 45 minutes.
  • Speakers must prepare slides and presentation visuals.
  • Given that it is an online convention, Speakers will present in a video format.

Application Process

There are three stages in the application process to be considered as a speaker for the Pi Convention.

  1. First application for Speakers. The Pi Core Team will read applications & invite potential candidates for the next round application.
  2. Second round application. Candidates will be asked more in-depth questions about their presentation & to provide a short demo video submission of it.
  3. Final selected speakers will be contacted and notified.

If you are interested in speaking at the Pi Convention, please apply HERE.

申请在 Pi 大会上发言

我们在两个轨道上寻找来自 Pi 社区不同区域的演讲者:社区和开发者

Community Track 旨在让演讲者就如何组织他们所在地区的社区提出创新的想法,从而让他们所在地区的先驱者的声音、想法和才能得以展现。




全球会议:演讲内容适用于国际社会的英语演讲者将有机会向 Pi 网络的全球观众发表演讲。

区域会议:《Pi 公约》将考虑在区域会议上以当地语言发言,其发言内容与区域社区更为相关。这是一个很好的方式来帮助突出每个地区的社区建设者和发展。


演讲者不能自我推销,而应具有教育意义。你的演讲应该集中在一个想法、解决方案、方法、方法、分析或设计上,而不是一个特定的品牌、名称或服务。你可以演示你的产品界面和服务设计作为支持材料来解释上面。然而,展示或演讲必须展示这些想法、解决方案和设计等对 Pi 网络生态系统的贡献。

演讲者的演讲不是提交请求或问题的渠道。如果你在演讲中提出关于 Pi 网络的问题,我们希望你能在同一场演讲中提出一个可能的解决方案。问题和要求可以通过一种不同的参加会议的形式发送和听取,但不能通过发言者的发言。



说格式/谈话的长度可以在 15 到 45 分钟之间/演讲者必须准备幻灯片和演示图像。



作为 Pi 公约的发言人,在申请过程中有三个阶段。

第一个演讲者的申请。Pi 核心团队将阅读申请并邀请潜在的候选人参加下一轮申请。



如果你有兴趣在 Pi 大会上发言,请在这里申请。


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