
专栏 网友投稿 5年前 (2020-01-31) 591406次浏览 591455 已收录 4个评论 扫描二维码


如果要给 Pi 找一个形象的类比,我会把它比喻成大气压强或者海平面。


布朗运动(Brownian Motion) 是指微小粒子表现出的无规则运动。1827 年英国植物学家 R.布朗在花粉颗粒的水溶液中观察到花粉不停顿的无规则运动。进一步实验证实,不仅花粉颗粒,其他悬浮在流体中的微粒也表现出这种无规则运动,如悬浮在空气中的尘埃。后人就把这种微粒的运动称之为布朗运动



布朗运动跟 Pi 有什么关系?

1、Pi 具有高速移动的特征:可以实现全球 3-5 秒转账,可以从一个手机 APP 转移到地球任何一个角落的另外一台手机 APP,这实际上比大气层中的气体分子、海洋中的水分子的布朗运动更快,气体分子和水分子是无法 5 秒钟跑到地球另一边的。Pi 满足布朗运动的快速条件。

2、Pi 具有分子特征:可以细分到小数点后 32 位(未证实),无论是转移 1 亿个 Pi,还是 0.0001 个 Pi,都是一样的快捷,Pi 可以细分到类似气体分子和水分子大小的程度。Pi 满足布朗运动的微粒条件。

3、Pi 可以支撑的用户数量据称可以达到 10 亿以上,具备大气层和海洋分子数量的海量特征。

4、人类经济活动对 Pi 的使用需求,就是地球引力。

5、Pi 的价格和人类经济活动强度密切相关:使用 Pi 的人越多、使用频次越高、转账总额度越高,Pi 的价格越高,波动也更小,币值更稳定。

Pi 的价值将来自于经济活动的布朗运动,海量的、高频的 Pi 币的流动将产生大气压和海平面一样的运行效果,相对稳定,并且渗透到经济活动的所有空间,Pi 的流动自由度远远超越地球上现存的任何货币。

我们可以看出,Pi 的价格运动会和地球表面的大气压强的相对稳定,海洋平面的相对平稳,呈现出类似的稳定状态。这是 Pi 和传统数字货币的显著不同,传统数字货币的波动性极其强烈,可以用上蹿下跳来形容,就是因为缺乏布朗运动中的几个必备条件。


最后给出一个 Pi价格猜想,根据比特币第一次减半 10 美元,第二次减半 1000 美元附近,第三次减半 10000 美元附近的运行轨迹,推测 Pi 的走势如下:

0 万人 0 美分,

1 万人 1 美分,

10 万人 10 美分,

100 万人 1 美元,

300 万人 10 美元,

1000 万人 100 美元,

10000 万人 1000 美元,

100000 万人 10000 美元;

300000 万人 1-10 万美元。

预计当 Pi 网络投入使用之后,全球会形成政府法币和 Pi 币的双轨制运行,全球政府的法币系统将会成为 Pi 网络的子系统。


If I were to give Pi a visual analogy, I would compare it to atmospheric pressure or sea level.

Why is that? Let's start with Brownian motion:

The Brownian Motion is the random Motion of tiny particles. In 1827, British botanist r. brown observed the nonstop and irregular movement of pollen in an aqueous solution of pollen grains. Further experiments confirmed that not only pollen particles, but also other particles suspended in the fluid, such as dust suspended in the air, exhibit such irregular movements. The motion of such particles is called Brownian motion.

Brownian motion has the following characteristics: 1. Irregular motion; 2. Never-ending motion; 3.

The stable atmospheric pressure of the atmosphere, the steadiness of the ocean plane, are the result of Brownian motion of the molecules under the gravitational pull of the earth.

What does Brownian motion have to do with Pi?

1, Pi has the characteristics of high-speed mobile: can achieve global transfer 3 to 5 seconds, can be transferred from a mobile phone APP to any corner of the earth and a mobile phone APP, which actually than gas molecules in the atmosphere, ocean water molecules in the Brownian motion faster, gas and water molecules cannot be 5 seconds to run to the other side of the world. Pi satisfies the fast conditions for Brownian motion.

2. Pi has molecular characteristics: it can be subdivided to 32 decimal places (unproven). It is as fast to transfer 100 million Pi or 0.0001 Pi. Pi satisfies the particle conditions for Brownian motion.

3. The number of users that Pi can support is said to be more than 1 billion, with the mass characteristics of the number of atmospheric and Marine molecules.

4. The use of Pi in human economic activities is the earth's gravity.

5. The price of Pi is closely related to the intensity of human economic activities: the more people use Pi, the higher the frequency of use, the higher the total transfer amount, the higher the price of Pi, the smaller the fluctuation, and the more stable the currency value.

The value of Pi will come from the Brownian movement of economic activities. The flow of mass and high-frequency Pi COINS will produce the same operation effect of atmospheric pressure and sea level, relatively stable, and permeate all the space of economic activities. The freedom of Pi's flow is far beyond any existing currency on the earth.

We can see that the price movement of Pi is relatively stable with the atmospheric pressure at the earth's surface, and the ocean plane is relatively stable, presenting a similar stable state. This is a significant difference between Pi and traditional digital currencies, which are extremely volatile and can be described as jumping up and down because of the lack of several prerequisites for Brownian motion.

At last, a Pi price guess is given. According to the running track of bitcoin halving $10 for the first time, halving $1,000 for the second time, and halving $10,000 for the third time, the trend of Pi is estimated as follows:

Zero million people, zero cents,

One cent for 10,000 people,

Ten cents for a hundred thousand people,

One dollar for a million people,

Three million people, ten dollars,

10 million people, 100 dollars,

10,000 people, 1,000 dollars,

100,000 people 10,000 dollars;

300,000 people, 10,000 to 100,000 dollars.

It is expected that when the Pi network is put into use, a dual-track system of government fiat currency and Pi currency will be formed around the world, and the global government fiat currency system will become a subsystem of the Pi network.

声明:本文由币圈先决创作,仅代表个人观点,不代表中国 Pi 币网。转载请署名来源和出处。


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