今日 Pi 币再次官宣 2300 万活跃用户,24 天新增 200 万活跃用户。2019 年 3 月 14 日:Pi network 应用程序正式上线。2019 年 5 月 22 日:Pi 注册用户数超过 1 万(挖矿速度第一次减半)2019 年 7 月前后:到达中国市场2019 年 7 月 5 日:活跃先锋 10 万(挖矿速率第二次减半)2……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 30757浏览 0评论0个赞
Pi 币公告提醒大家不要被假冒账号误导和欺骗,原文:Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis has an official Twitter account - @nkokkalis. There are many fake accounts and impersonators. If you want to follow Nicolas, please ……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 17111浏览 0评论0个赞
Hey Pioneers, the Pi Hackathon has received a variety of midpoint progress videos. On 8/26 and 9/2, we will showcase a few of them on the Pi Home screen. Note that these projects a……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 11340浏览 0评论0个赞
第一步:进 Pi App 主界面,点左上角-个人资料第二步:选择 Email address 验证第二步:选择 Email address 验证第二步:选择 Email address验证 翻译:Add and verify your email as an additional way to recover your Pi Accoun……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 183510浏览 0评论0个赞
Pioneers, remember to keep your Pi Wallet passphrase safe and secret. Third-party websites or scammers have been increasingly asking Pioneers for their passphrases, so we want to f……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 29788浏览 0评论0个赞
今日 Pi 项目方再次更新浏览器功能!增加了 pi:// 功能,区域于传统的 https://和 http://功能,更多详情请更新 pi Browser 至 1.4 版本……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 55654浏览 0评论0个赞
今日 Pi 项目再次官宣:Pi has crossed 25 million engaged Pioneers!!! We’re celebrating the community’s dedication to our shared Network with a special poster. Click the button above to chec……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 23197浏览 0评论0个赞
Selected Node and SuperNode applicants will be informed through the node interface on a rolling basis over the next 3 months. The number of Pioneers selected will be determined by ……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 26432浏览 0评论1个赞
这两天部分安卓手机的用户,在打开 Pi 系统时,收到如上提示:该应用检测出病毒风险,请勿安装病毒:a.gray.piggyGoldcoin.b同时,一些用户也收到如下图提示: 不用担心,操作如下:选中不再提醒,继续使用上述问题,CPB 联盟将 Pi 软件 APK 文件通过 Virustotal 检测无病毒,部分手机……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 89503浏览 0评论0个赞
The Pi Core Team has been developing a community KYC solution that will work for as many Pioneers as possible to ensure the security and humanness of our network. To improve its us……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 22687浏览 0评论0个赞
特别说明:以下教程来自 CPB 联盟河南 3 群群主攀登啊!,未经授权,请勿商业使用。 节点教程完全版:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sK4y177Ta/ Pi 节点数据备份教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uz4y1k7CX/ Pi……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 22841浏览 0评论0个赞
A name update appeal feature is available in the app profile for Pioneers who missed the 2-week name update window and still have typos in their names. To ensure the humanness and ……继续阅读 » Erica 2年前 (2023-03-07) 41671浏览 0评论0个赞